The Ref Stop

Fa cup final referee

Is less of a margin of error than we were getting with assistant referees on the sideline.
We can all accept human error, VAR was brought in to stop the OBVIOUS errors (Henry, Lampard) etc, regardless of anything, agendas, protocols, this is never a decision that should fall into that box!! Its just meddling, because you are bored and you need to feel appreciated!
The Ref Stop
We can all accept human error, VAR was brought in to stop the OBVIOUS errors (Henry, Lampard) etc, regardless of anything, agendas, protocols, this is never a decision that should fall into that box!! Its just meddling, because you are bored and you need to feel appreciated!
I admire your fight, but most of the VAR bashers have been chased off the Forum, so you're up against it on your own 😳
Anyway, it ain't about accuracy IMO, it's about enjoyment of the game. I've definitely sacked the EPL off completely as VAR has contributed to it being as bag of %%(^^_)(
Have they posted the other line so we can check if the VAR luvvies are as right as they all think they are?? Wouldn't it be nice if you had all the facts;)
You find the standard error and then anything outside that stays with umpires call. Works perfectly for DRS in cricket, no need to reinvent the wheel.

Either way we need to see decision made within a few seconds, otherwise the spontaneity of the game is killed for mm 'offside' calls.
How many frames have passed from actually touching the ball to making it airborne as the picture shows, it’s a massive difference when a striker is moving forward and a defender is stationary!


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Anyone know why Michael Oliver has been given a second FA Cup final? When did the FA change their policy of one final per referee?
The FA were aware that last season and probably this, the match officials would be unable to take their families to the prestigious game, so they gave Messrs Taylor and Oliver a second Final in the hope that by next year things will be back to normal.
FIFA are intent on semi-automated offsides with near-instant decision, including a prebuilt in acceptable level of what is offside and what is level, 2mm or 200mm, whatever is deemed to be level or an accepted level within the spirit of the game.
The match will be remembered for that VAR decision which was a fantastic bit of television (for neutrals and Leicester fans).

However, Chillwell looks level to me; if it's in the margin of error, it can't be a clear and obvious error - stick with the on-field decision. I'd be gutted if this happened to my team.
Whether you like VAR or not, this margin has been called as offside for 2 seasons now. The actual goal and saves were worthy of any FA Cup final win.
Although it’s been discussed to death already I’ll add my 2 penneth.
Whether we like it or not VAR is here to stay. In my opinion we need to stop the line drawing enabling them to judge being a nostril hair offside.
The worldie strike is what I’ll be talking about at work tomorrow. Not VAR
Really!!! You honestly believe that! Just ask Chilwell if he agrees with you!!
You seem to be seeing this in the view of a fan rather than a referee which isn’t what this forum is for. It doesn’t matter what chilwell thinks, it was given as offside but if (as you stated in your argument above) we leave it down to human error, the goal wrongly gets awarded and Leicester potentially don’t win the FA cup. You can’t have it both ways
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We still don't know if it was wrongly awarded. The line placement is also down to human error btw.
We still don't know if it was wrongly awarded. The line placement is also down to human error btw.
Exactly, but within the parameters of how the technology is currently used - that's the same for everyone.
Trying to calculate a variable margin of error is even less accurate than current model
You seem to be seeing this in the view of a fan rather than a referee which isn’t what this forum is for. It doesn’t matter what chilwell thinks, it was given as offside but if (as you stated in your argument above) we leave it down to human error, the goal wrongly gets awarded and Leicester potentially don’t win the FA cup. You can’t have it both ways
I'm looking at it as a scientist as I don't care who wins in this case, someones using dodgy technology with an error margin to justify an 'improvement' to our game and then totally guessing an answer. Whatever happened to 'Only used for the serious clear and obvious errors'
I'm looking at it as a scientist as I don't care who wins in this case, someones using dodgy technology with an error margin to justify an 'improvement' to our game and then totally guessing an answer. Whatever happened to 'Only used for the serious clear and obvious errors'
This has been done to death on this forum but when it comes down to it, fans/pundits/players/managers have been calling for technology for years neglecting the fact that nothing will ever been 100% reliable as is the nature of technology. If they backtrack and remove VAR, the moment there’s one incorrect decision by the AR they’ll be calling for it again.

The fact of the matter is VAR will improve, we all know it has to but for the errors to be highlighted, it needs to be tried and tested so in the short term we have to just cope and allow things to progress. It won’t just stay as it is. The same as the LOTG. This gets amended yearly to reflect and ever changing game as there’s some problems which can’t be highlight without in game testing
Great post and I agree, I’m pretty sure none of them asked for the offside lines to this level but there were certainly calls for GLT and the ironing out of handballs and missed VC..
This has been done to death on this forum but when it comes down to it, fans/pundits/players/managers have been calling for technology for years neglecting the fact that nothing will ever been 100% reliable as is the nature of technology. If they backtrack and remove VAR, the moment there’s one incorrect decision by the AR they’ll be calling for it again.

The fact of the matter is VAR will improve, we all know it has to but for the errors to be highlighted, it needs to be tried and tested so in the short term we have to just cope and allow things to progress. It won’t just stay as it is. The same as the LOTG. This gets amended yearly to reflect and ever changing game as there’s some problems which can’t be highlight without in game testing

Exactly this. There have been countless times pre-VAR where the media and pundits have bemoaned an incredibly tight offside call, or a manager has moaned about it in a post match interview, and demanded technology. They now have that technology and suddenly don't like it, but you can bet your life if VAR was removed the complaints about very tight offside calls would be back.

Whatever anyone thinks about VAR, it isn't going anywhere and is here to stay, hopefully with improvements over time.
Does anyone speak to non-Referees who are pro-VAR? I don't. Not one
If you do, what age groups are we talking?

There does obviously seem to be some support for VAR among Referees, going by this Forum; which I find disappointing on the basis that I'm sure it's only money that's driving it (same as ESL). Also, my perception is that VAR goes against the Philosophy of the Game and spoils games in many ways
On the contrary to it 'getting better', all I see is it getting worse and more intrusive

WRT this Cup Final, that offside call was not in the spirit of FIFA's original propaganda (C&O, maximum this, minimum that... rubbish)
I'm not particularly interested in the whole 'frame rate' debate. Even GLT has an error-rate. I'm only interested the good of the game
I didn't know this pre-VAR, but I'd definitely prefer human error now
Unless TV revenues continue to fall and Season Ticket sales decline, my wish is done for
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How does rugby, cricket and tennis seem to have few of the issues created by the system they’ve adopted here. I get the moving action bit but both rugby codes sort that out either on the day or retrospectively. Crowds and TV audiences are bewildered in what’s going on, that can’t be right when it’s certainly a not cheap hobby!