And I'm back


Work hard, stay humble
Level 6 Referee
So after my under 15's game the other week which was nearly abandoned due to the abuse I received, I've had a couple more games and found myself constantly criticising myself thinking I'd got everything wrong but today was different.

School game, green vs yellow. First half passed without major incident and I felt great, second half gave a penalty which with hindsight possibly wasn't but we can't always be perfect. The only slight problem was a parent on the side shouting "ref" everytime a yellows player got touched, soon ended that by shouting at the top of my voice "PLAY ON, ADVANTAGE" after the next suitable time.

Felt absolutely great on the way home!!!
A&H International
Great! Onwards and upwards!

Always worth joining your local RA and perhaps asking if you can be paired with a mentor that you can chat to pre-/post-matches. :)
Good shout there Grayson, I've struggled with confidence off the pitch for a while and have found I've got loads of people at school who have helped... Thanks for the advice though