Brig v Man Utd

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A challenge review system does not fix this situation though. Say it is challenged and review determines ball did go out of play. What next? What if the ball goes out of play in the first minute without play stopping until the 25th minute when a goal is scored. Would a challenge nullify the goal?

The actual problem is not if it can be reviewed but what is the measure to use on how far back you go. And that measure has to be clearly defined and non-debatible. Once we have that any review system would work, the existing one or a challenge based one.
I've got answers for you, but that's a different thread.
A&H International
So you admit it’s badly worded law to which I express an optnion that’s different to yours and suddenly you’re right, in your opinion and I’m totally wrong and I’m a dinasaur from the 80s?
you need to stop having Personal opinions and an agenda about me and just be a moderator that’s unbiased. All opinions are valid, even yours occasionally! Peace!

There is no agenda against you, rather I'm trying (as a moderator as you rightly point out) to keep things on topic. We get complaints when people take things down a different angle so I'm not going to apologise for doing what a mod should be doing.

Do I think the VAR application and protocols are perfect? No, not even close, I think there is still a lot of work to do, but the key thing is that referees today can only apply the protocol as it exists today. @one helpfully posted the protocol about what can be checked when the ball goes out of play, but you then replied and referred to Lundstram's disallowed goal at Spurs, which as you even say yourself was for offside so nothing at all to do with ball out of play, and under the protocol they can go back further for offsides. So you are comparing apples and oranges, and then went onto rant that they are making it up as they go along, but the only person doing that here is you.
Sorry, is this a sentence about VAR or about every other referee that's existed since the beginning of football?
Brilliant, pull one sentence out of context to make a point, why didn’t you post the whole post and highlight the part you’re commenting on???
There is no agenda against you, rather I'm trying (as a moderator as you rightly point out) to keep things on topic. We get complaints when people take things down a different angle so I'm not going to apologise for doing what a mod should be doing.

Do I think the VAR application and protocols are perfect? No, not even close, I think there is still a lot of work to do, but the key thing is that referees today can only apply the protocol as it exists today. @one helpfully posted the protocol about what can be checked when the ball goes out of play, but you then replied and referred to Lundstram's disallowed goal at Spurs, which as you even say yourself was for offside so nothing at all to do with ball out of play, and under the protocol they can go back further for offsides. So you are comparing apples and oranges, and then went onto rant that they are making it up as they go along, but the only person doing that here is you.
Didn’t someone post the Liverpool and City handball decisions, both identical in the picture but one was given one was allowed to stand? Inconsistenty shouldn’t Be a major issue but it seems to crop up virtually every week.

As I said, in principle VAR is a great idea, alas the EPL versionis far from that! Hopefully it’s work in progress???
There is some guidance on attacking phase of play on page 134:

For decisions/incidents relating to goals, penalty/no penalty and red cards for denying an obvious goal-scoring opportunity (DOGSO), it may be necessary to review the attacking phase of play which led directly to the decision/incident; this may include how the attacking team gained possession of the ball in open play
This would seem to indicate that following a goal the review can check any incidents from the time the team gained possession (if there were no restarts in the interim) to determine if a clear error occurred.
BTW, I haven't mentioned my team in this thread, another smokescreen when you're losing an argument.... muddy the waters!!!
Its very petty to think this is a ‘won or lost’ situation based on a tongue in cheek joke. Take the point on board that this is a forum which is used to help people, not for a rant and move on
idn’t someone post the Liverpool and City handball decisions, both identical in the picture
The things is, the game is not played in stills (pictures) but in motion. You cant prove inconsistency by showing two pictures.

That is not to say that there are no inconsistencies in the game. Far from it but that one is a poor example.
Its very petty to think this is a ‘won or lost’ situation based on a tongue in cheek joke. Take the point on board that this is a forum which is used to help people, not for a rant and move on
I know it’s hard to accept defeat but the facts are the fact and the protocols, however poorly written on this occasion back up my points completely, so it’s back to school for you on this one I’m afraid Mr Wordsmith! And you can take your personal insults with you!
Brilliant, pull one sentence out of context to make a point, why didn’t you post the whole post and highlight the part you’re commenting on???
Because the sentence on it's own makes the point: you're complaining about something that has existed in football since it was played between two villages using a pigs bladder.

VAR hasn't magically created inconsistency, it's simply highlighting that the rules are poorly written and that inconsistent implementation of them isn't an accident, it's part of the fabric of the product that is sold to Sky and BT. Trying to pretend that everything was sunshine and roses last season and is now terrible due to VAR is either naive or dishonest. And in case there's any doubt, I'll happily quote the rest of that post again - it only reinforces my view that you are completely missing the point about where these issues you have are actually coming from:
Mmmm, If they are calling everything then it should be fair to all, it certainly hasn't been.... If they are selectively calling certain protocols then it should be fair to all, it certainly certainly hasn't been..... Certain refs on their day off seem to be more stringent than others who seem to let stuff go so there is zero consistency. Some seem to be otherwise engaged when the sh1t hits the fan!

The whole pretext to VAR was a softly softy in the background SG referee just ironing out the clear and obvious mistakes, yet they've found a whole set of protocol horse crap to abscond them of blame when anything goes wrong. And, if that dosen't work old Mother Riley pops up and apologises if he can be arsed! Most football fans think its crap, I'm sure a good percentage on here think its crap, I really wish it worked, I just want fairness for all!!
I know it’s hard to accept defeat but the facts are the fact and the protocols, however poorly written on this occasion back up my points completely, so it’s back to school for you on this one I’m afraid Mr Wordsmith! And you can take your personal insults with you!

Well done on your ‘victory’ on a refereeing forum, despite again backing up my points. This site is intended as a learning source for referees but you just use it to rant about how you hate VAR. You don’t provide anything constructive to new referees who come here for guidance, it’s just the same ‘Mr Riley is a fool’ response recycled.

I’m not sure what you thought was a personal insult but I apologise if you thought I was insulting you. I’m not in the business of personal attacks so if anything came across as that it wasn’t intended. I’m simply drawing comparisons between how you use this forum against how it’s intended to be used.

Anyway, that’s me done with this thread. Apologies Admin, I’m just fed up of coming here to learn and advise but instead I see the same ‘it’s not the 80’s’, ‘The bigger boys get all the decision’ stuff over and over.
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