Blowing the whistle - book by Stuart Carrington (spoiler alert)

santa sangria

RefChat Addict
I got this at Xmas. I found it quite gripping to read because of the subject matter. The language was challenging at times but I got through the whole thing on one flight.

Basically I would recommend it for anyone who wants to explore the psychological side of refereeing.

There are some brilliant passages in there. However, there are also some data-driven sections that I think are totally flawed and based on false assumptions.

So, has anyone else read this - what did you think?

*** Warning - Following posts will hopefully contain spoilers if anyone else has read this! ***
A&H International
I'm about half way through it. Enjoying it and currently would recommend it. Agree that some things appear to be leaps of logic.
Not sure if I would re-read it so may pass it on afterwards
I dunno, Keith Hackett endorses it, so it can't be that great! ;)

I've not got it, but as you recommend it, I'll try and pick it up at some point.
I've wanted that book for a while as I studied psychology at A-Level and am really interested in that sort of thing, especially when it's to do with sports. What sort of book is it, as I can't find a load of info or reviews about it?
I've wanted that book for a while as I studied psychology at A-Level and am really interested in that sort of thing, especially when it's to do with sports. What sort of book is it, as I can't find a load of info or reviews about it?

It actually reads a lot like a college/university thesis. The chapters each introduce a hypothesis and as he goes through summarises his conclusions in each section.