Misconduct Report worthy?


New Member
Interested to get opinions on whether the below text I got from a manager is worthy of a misconduct report.

I am very comfortable with my performance, and not concerned about whether his comments are correct or not.

However I feel if I do not report it, this manager may feel that it is acceptable to text referee's after a match.

"Very very poor game yesterday.

You were going with the opposition lino when it was CLEAR to see our players were on side on multiple occasions.

You booked NAME when he didn't even touch or ball or player. But you allow NAME to get swiped at 3 times but didn't booked the opposition when the ball went out of play. Yes we had advantage but the intention was there from the opposition."
A&H International
Interested to get opinions on whether the below text I got from a manager is worthy of a misconduct report.

I am very comfortable with my performance, and not concerned about whether his comments are correct or not.

However I feel if I do not report it, this manager may feel that it is acceptable to text referee's after a match.

"Very very poor game yesterday.

You were going with the opposition lino when it was CLEAR to see our players were on side on multiple occasions.

You booked NAME when he didn't even touch or ball or player. But you allow NAME to get swiped at 3 times but didn't booked the opposition when the ball went out of play. Yes we had advantage but the intention was there from the opposition."
If he has taken the time to deliberately contact you post game, you should refer to the CFA and the League.
I'm actually staggered that a manager would do this. A few choice words at the end of a match is still misconduct but sending a text is easily provable and hopefully CFA will slap an E3 misconduct on them without any further issue.
Just to add, don't reply. Screenshot, send it to the FA, done