Arse v Chels

A&H International
I once got criticised for a caution for something similar on an observation, apparently cautioning a player who grabbed hold of an opponent as he ran past to stop him getting the ball was "soft".

I'd have cautioned for the foul in the clip as well, but as has already been posted the threshold is often higher for a second caution.

Something similar happened in Gills Vs Ipswich, referee didn't caution then either, though Ipswich subbed their player soon after.
I once got criticised for a caution for something similar on an observation, apparently cautioning a player who grabbed hold of an opponent as he ran past to stop him getting the ball was "soft".

I'd have cautioned for the foul in the clip as well, but as has already been posted the threshold is often higher for a second caution.

Something similar happened in Gills Vs Ipswich, referee didn't caution then either, though Ipswich subbed their player soon after.
Ironically Jorginho fouled a defender in the free kick as well!! How many fouls are you allowed on a yellow!!
What exactly are people proposing to cautioning for? SPA? I don't see a promising attack here at midfield.

USB explanations used to include " holds an opponent for the tactical purpose of pulling the opponent away from the ball or preventing the opponent from getting to the ball," but that was taken out of the Laws. (Hmm does "soccer expect" it so we give it even though it was taken out of the Laws? [/snark] )

I strongly disagree. It's blatant holding in the middle of the park. The top brass have given specific guidance that blatant holding like this is a yellow card.
In a major international tournament this decision would end the referee's participation. It's wrong in law. It's a clear and obvious error. IMHO of course ;)

Reference to the top brass guidance and "wrong in law"?
Ironically Jorginho fouled a defender in the free kick as well!! How many fouls are you allowed on a yellow!!
No idea, we all know that there are unofficial thresh holds.

Something that would draw a free kick on the halfway line won't get a penalty because it's too "soft".

It's not right, but that's the way things are.
What exactly are people proposing to cautioning for? SPA? I don't see a promising attack here at midfield.

USB explanations used to include " holds an opponent for the tactical purpose of pulling the opponent away from the ball or preventing the opponent from getting to the ball," but that was taken out of the Laws. (Hmm does "soccer expect" it so we give it even though it was taken out of the Laws? [/snark] )

Reference to the top brass guidance and "wrong in law"?
I’ve sat through Uefa videos on this IIRC
VAR can't get involved for cautions, only missed red cards.

I don't think a missed second caution counts, and as these things are "in the opinion of the referee" it's debatable whether it would count as a clear and obvious error.
Strange that I don’t mention VAR in the OP but you’re one of the first ones to bring it up and have a moan about it... where is that other thread when you need it, the moan about members moaning about VAR😂😂😂
Strange that I don’t mention VAR in the OP but you’re one of the first ones to bring it up and have a moan about it... where is that other thread when you need it, the moan about members moaning about VAR😂😂😂

You mean apart from this post?

Yes. And it was also a clear and obvious error not to give the 2nd yellow card. At which point: what is the effing point of this VAR sh**!?!

It was a poor game for Arsenal. But the referee has decided the game by bottling a clear 2nd yellow. And then the scenario has made a mockery of VAR again.

It really is not football anymore and it is really embarrassing. I'd be apoplectic if I was in an Arsenal shirt at this point.

Yes. And it was also a clear and obvious error not to give the 2nd yellow card. At which point: what is the effing point of this VAR sh**!?!
I think you know this but VAR can't intervene for cautions, even second cautions.
Can't believe that 4th or ARs weren't screaming down his ear though.
These issues are reasons I've always thought a challenge system would be preferable to the current slightly random selection of things that can/cannot be reviewed. If incorrect, this is a game-changing error and Arsenal should be able to ask the referee to take a second look.
These issues are reasons I've always thought a challenge system would be preferable to the current slightly random selection of things that can/cannot be reviewed. If incorrect, this is a game-changing error and Arsenal should be able to ask the referee to take a second look.
Let it be understood, that whilst I do hate VAR, I'm not against technology in principle. I just hate the way it's been done
I'm somewhat in favour of a challenge based approach. In a pure implementation, challenges & OFR would negate the need for VAR entirely
It's not SPA, but it is holding, which is an automatic caution in professional football for some reason, without it being so in law. UEFA says holding is USB - lack of respect for the game. Out of interest, does anyone here caution every blatent holding in amateur football?
Let it be understood, that whilst I do hate VAR, I'm not against technology in principle. I just hate the way it's been done
I'm somewhat in favour of a challenge based approach. In a pure implementation, challenges & OFR would negate the need for VAR entirely
Good idea. Then, VAR (or whatever it will be called) will be a bit cheaper to implement in the lower levels (Scottish League springs to mind)
I think you know this but VAR can't intervene for cautions, even second cautions.
Can't believe that 4th or ARs weren't screaming down his ear though.
Doesn't the fourth official stay quiet on these to help him manage the dugouts? What if a manager heard him 'screaming'?
Doesn't the fourth official stay quiet on these to help him manage the dugouts? What if a manager heard him 'screaming'?

4th officials can get involved if they think the referee and/or assistants have missed something.

It probably happens more than you'd think.

I doubt completely ignoring an incident that happens right Infront of you will do much to help with management of the dug outs either.
It's not SPA, but it is holding, which is an automatic caution in professional football for some reason, without it being so in law. UEFA says holding is USB - lack of respect for the game. Out of interest, does anyone here caution every blatent holding in amateur football?

Pretty much in agreement here. He’s going sideways for a start, could pass but not starting the attack himself. I’d happily call that as a “final foul” and bin next time for persistent infringement myself.
Doesn't the fourth official stay quiet on these to help him manage the dugouts? What if a manager heard him 'screaming'?
Okay maybe screaming was the wrong term, fact is, he has a communication device directly into the ear of the referee.
By your logic the senior AR wouldnt ever say anything in case dugouts heard him especially if he was up that way.