Incorrect position when taking FK


Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Just curious on this one.

Let’s say you award a FK 10 yards in a teams own half. They place the ball on the halfway line and you tell them to go back the 10 yards. They do but instead of placing the ball down they throw it forward so it’s closer to the halfway line again.

Would this be a caution for dissent by action in publicly disregarding your instructions or delaying the restart of play?
A&H International
Bit strong that. I'd have a second word to move it back. If they did it again I'd tell them that once more and its a caution. But this all depends on why they're doing it - if it is to time waste, I'd give them one less warning and quick caution.
Obviously context is very important. But if no other mitigating factors then there is a second chance from me but not a third chance, neither for dissent nor for time wasting.
Was thinking more trying to get an advantage from moving it forward, but I wouldn’t want to tell someone 3 times to move the ball back.

Either way would it be dissent or delaying?
Was thinking more trying to get an advantage from moving it forward, but I wouldn’t want to tell someone 3 times to move the ball back.

Either way would it be dissent or delaying?
Depend on why you thought they were doing it. If you are not sure go with delaying the restart because it definitely delayed the restart.
I want to say it doesn't matter--which is true in my world. But in the sin bin world it suddenly makes a difference. I'd be inclined to go with delaying the restart unless it was clear that it was being done as an argument (which doesn't make much sense).
Dissent I guess.

Personally I'd still manage it verbally at that stage, warn them that if you have to come over it'll be a caution, if they persist then they've made their bed.
Happens all the time at the 'top'

Last night AR stands in position level with where fk should be taken, Reading player throws the ball 10 yards forward, ref tells him to take it in the correct place, he moves it back 5 yards and on we go.

Didn't take an inordinate amount of time and at that level no advantage from a defensive free kick in own half being taken 'out of position' by 5 yards, so on we go.

If scenario is as last night, I wouldn't get involved any further.
It is really a contextual question. A defensive free kick being 2-5 yards away from the correct spot doesn't warrant much, especially if the quality of the players isn't high. A free kick near the attacking penalty area should be tightly monitored and controlled, regardless of skill level.
Any distance in any area, when they do it to take the mickey out of you then you shouldn't ignore it. There is also show of authority balanced with not being pedantic.

Even if defensive PA they are 10 yards from the area to take the kick but they take it just to get on with the game, it's about show of authority to tell them to take it back. Especially early in the game. Now if they take it back only 5 yards and you insist on 10 yards, you risk losing their acceptance of your authority by being pedantic.
Appreciate the comments guys.

Context would be 10 yards in own half as mentioned above. Close enough to get a ball into the box with a half decent taker. Looking to gain an advantage from moving it forward, not time wasting.

I certainly wouldn’t be looking to issue a caution after telling them to get it back once but if you’re publicly asking a player to move it back and they sort of don’t, with opposition players making it clear, it’s making a bit of fool of you.

I was more curious about the caution code as opposed to the tolerance levels but as has been said, context.
Any distance in any area, when they do it to take the mickey out of you then you shouldn't ignore it. There is also show of authority balanced with not being pedantic.

Even if defensive PA they are 10 yards from the area to take the kick but they take it just to get on with the game, it's about show of authority to tell them to take it back. Especially early in the game. Now if they take it back only 5 yards and you insist on 10 yards, you risk losing their acceptance of your authority by being pedantic.
If they take a FK in the wrong place in their own PA to get on with the game and you make them take it back, who's delaying the restart and being pedantic? You can legally take a FK in your own PA over 20 yards from the offence if it was in the goal area.
If they take a FK in the wrong place in their own PA to get on with the game and you make them take it back, who's delaying the restart and being pedantic? You can legally take a FK in your own PA over 20 yards from the offence if it was in the goal area.
So if the offence was in the PA on the goal line in the left corner, and they take it from the top right corner "to get on with the game", you would let it go. your game your choice but I wont in my game because I know that decision would bite me in the backside later in the game if not right there and then.
So if the offence was in the PA on the goal line in the left corner, and they take it from the top right corner "to get on with the game", you would let it go. your game your choice but I wont in my game because I know that decision would bite me in the backside later in the game if not right there and then.
The thread is about a FK 10 yards from where the offence occurred. That could be 47 yards adrift.
Far enough for me, if I was watching the game, not to be shouting at myself not to be pedantic, and if the opposition aren't bothered. It's just annoying for a referee to insist on a retake because the ball wasn't in the correct position, and then it's played to the same team-mate in the same position as the original kick.
Far enough for me, if I was watching the game, not to be shouting at myself not to be pedantic, and if the opposition aren't bothered. It's just annoying for a referee to insist on a retake because the ball wasn't in the correct position, and then it's played to the same team-mate in the same position as the original kick.
So let me rephrase my question to see if I get an answer this time.
You are watching a game, the opposition is not bothering and the defending team is taking a free kick from an incorrect position in the PA. How far does the ball have to be for the referee to ask for a retake for you not to think/shout that it was pedantic?