The Ref Stop

First Observation.


New Member
So just had my first observation come through for my promotion push to level 4, which gave me a mark of 60 which I am quite disappointed with as I know the main issue with the card the game was I didn't issue a red card for a Handball and my whistle tone was not strong enough for that instance in giving a penalty. Which i agree can hamper the mark but did not expect it to be as low as 60.

so the main thing is what can advice do you know have for me in order to get to get better marks on future observations in order to push my average mark back up to where it needs to be? as I don't want my promotion to be ruined by this mark.

The Ref Stop
Am I reading it right that you failed to give a dismissal for DOSGO-H? Or are the penalty and handling offences separate?

I expect the mark is that low as it is an error in law, but I would anticipate it being lower for other factors as well? Control perhaps? Why did you fail to give the red card for the handling? Was it leniency? Are there any other comments/situations that were highlighted?

Best thing to do is to learn from the error, try and be more by the book and nail in the mandatory cautions/dismissals going forward. Work on being more assertive on your decision-making and whistling technique. Otherwise, read the assessment and identify any further issues and try to rectify them going forward, that's pretty much all you can do I think.
Am I reading it right that you failed to give a dismissal for DOSGO-H? Or are the penalty and handling offences separate?

I expect the mark is that low as it is an error in law, but I would anticipate it being lower for other factors as well? Control perhaps? Why did you fail to give the red card for the handling? Was it leniency? Are there any other comments/situations that were highlighted?

Best thing to do is to learn from the error, try and be more by the book and nail in the mandatory cautions/dismissals going forward. Work on being more assertive on your decision-making and whistling technique. Otherwise, read the assessment and identify any further issues and try to rectify them going forward, that's pretty much all you can do I think.

yes it was the DOSGO- H i was being too lenient as it a genuine attempt to block the ball while the player already went to ground and the player just got it wrong and was being too sympathetic with the player( I blame it from the days i used to play) other than that areas that marked below standard where report
Issued correct sanctions,
was firm, decisive, self confident and self assured
used the whistle effectively

which all mention that particular instance, everything else was average or above. To be fair the game itself didn't really have many issues.
yes it was the DOSGO- H i was being too lenient as it a genuine attempt to block the ball while the player already went to ground and the player just got it wrong and was being too sympathetic with the player( I blame it from the days i used to play) other than that areas that marked below standard where report
Issued correct sanctions,
was firm, decisive, self confident and self assured
used the whistle effectively

which all mention that particular instance, everything else was average or above. To be fair the game itself didn't really have many issues.
That's where our playing days can count against us because we ask ourselves the wrong questions
e.g. Was a dismissal deserved?
Your meek whistle may have reflected this judgement
The referee's mentality can't deviate from the pertinent questions;
a. Was the handball deliberate? (The UK interpretation that is). Careless is sufficient
and b. Did the HB deny an OGSO (again, as per a referee's understanding)
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That's where our playing days can count against us because we ask ourselves the wrong questions
e.g. Was a dismissal deserved?
Your meek whistle may have reflected this judgement
The referee's mentality can't deviate from the pertinent questions
i.e Was the handball deliberate? (The UK interpretation that is). Careless is sufficient
... And did the HB deny an OGSO (again, as per a referee's understanding)

yes i need to get out the habit of seeing it as a player and giving the benefit of the doubt etc. it was an OGSO as it was blocked not far from the line. so it the letter of the law yes it should of been a red which is ultimately why I dropped marks. and after speaking directly with the assessor he as stressed this point as well of making sure what is expected is done and need to distance away from keeping players happy.
yes i need to get out the habit of seeing it as a player and giving the benefit of the doubt etc.

I don't know how best to advise on getting out of that mind-set and I'm not the most qualified to advise on it so take this as you will; But perhaps for your next game or two, you could try detaching entirely from the emotion of it and treat everything purely as black and white in your head. (Easier said than done I guess.)

Commentate to yourself silently if you need to; "Foul, reckless, caution." for example or "Handball at the halfway line, it's not stopping a promising attack, no caution."

The idea is you start telling yourself the law and the action you will take. You don't have to restrict it to fouls, you can do it for ball in/out as well, "Blue touched it last, we're going red-throw" etc, and you don't have to shout it or even say it, just run it through in your mind. Get a bit robotic about it, if you catch yourself saying "Foul, not that bad though..." stop, think, re-think, shake it out of your head and go over it again, if you start thinking "hmm, he didn't mean that", again, stop, re-think, re-go over it. Remember, you're in charge, play cannot continue without your say so, don't be afraid of being a slow-thinker if you get in a situation where you want to take an extra second or two, slow the game down, process it.

Start viewing things as careless, reckless, serious. Start seeing the law as a checklist. So, 'careless, but he stopped a promising attack, caution." for example.

Get away from the emotion of it all. Get away from intent and accidents and did he mean it, was it harsh? Start judging it as more of an action-consequence view.
I don't know how best to advise on getting out of that mind-set and I'm not the most qualified to advise on it so take this as you will; But perhaps for your next game or two, you could try detaching entirely from the emotion of it and treat everything purely as black and white in your head. (Easier said than done I guess.)

Commentate to yourself silently if you need to; "Foul, reckless, caution." for example or "Handball at the halfway line, it's not stopping a promising attack, no caution."

The idea is you start telling yourself the law and the action you will take. You don't have to restrict it to fouls, you can do it for ball in/out as well, "Blue touched it last, we're going red-throw" etc, and you don't have to shout it or even say it, just run it through in your mind. Get a bit robotic about it, if you catch yourself saying "Foul, not that bad though..." stop, think, re-think, shake it out of your head and go over it again, if you start thinking "hmm, he didn't mean that", again, stop, re-think, re-go over it. Remember, you're in charge, play cannot continue without your say so, don't be afraid of being a slow-thinker if you get in a situation where you want to take an extra second or two, slow the game down, process it.

Start viewing things as careless, reckless, serious. Start seeing the law as a checklist. So, 'careless, but he stopped a promising attack, caution." for example.

Get away from the emotion of it all. Get away from intent and accidents and did he mean it, was it harsh? Start judging it as more of an action-consequence view.
I've made some mistakes in the past which are similar by nature. The phrase I use to stop it from happening is, 'referee first, consequences second'. Meaning, don't be distracted by what a decision means. Just make it... and only then deal with the consequences
Not saying for a moment that I'm not still susceptible for breaching my own sentiments however!