IFAB 19/20


New Member
Level 5 Referee
Does anyone have a copy of the laws of the game 19/20? Or know where I can purchase one, preferably not with extortionate postage.

I have the app but just don’t get on with it. Have a promotion exam in a few weeks so would like to get clued up!!
A&H International
Does anyone have a copy of the laws of the game 19/20? Or know where I can purchase one, preferably not with extortionate postage.

I have the app but just don’t get on with it. Have a promotion exam in a few weeks so would like to get clued up!!

I struggle with the app too, and haven't yet had the physical copy of the book that I ordered.

So the download in this thread will probably be quite a big help to me.

Oh, to get a copy, didn't you get the chance to buy one when you registered for the new season?
IFAB have temporarily stopped distribution, so if you didn't get a physical copy you might be waiting a while for it.
IFAB have temporarily stopped distribution, so if you didn't get a physical copy you might be waiting a while for it.
Maybe the printer broke when interpreting the handball revision
My book, ordered when re-registering, arrived last week
Get used to it folks, won't be long at all before there is no printed media sent out, even for those willing to pay. We live in an electronic world, and the concept of printing out massive books and posting them will be consigned to history very soon.

It is actually a double whammy, as not just the move to electronic copies but also the cost of postage has gone up massively in recent years.