Disciplinary Panels & Representation


RefChat Addict
Hi everyone, I have not been particularly active on the forum the past couple of years due to taking a little break from refereeing, however since returning to the beautiful game, I have been reminded of an issue that (I think!) many of us will likely have faced at some point during our careers - disciplinary panels. (Admin: if this is inappropriate or in the wrong section then please feel free to delete/move the post!)

As the system currently stands in my association, disciplinary panels takes the form of a tribunal, much like a court trial, where more often than not the referee is required to either stand up and 'defend' his action taken on the pitch, or the referee is responsible for presenting the case on whatever misconduct has taken place, which can include having to question or cross-examine the player/manager/spectator on the 'opposing' side; with the panel asking some questions and making the decision.

I remember being a young teenager very inexperienced and having to questions a player triple my age who assaulted me, and faced being questioned by his manager who was at least four times my age. I remember this made me feel terrified as not only had I no idea what the process would entail, but I also had no idea how to effectively challenge a player who was facing the charges.

I am a barrister by trade and a referee by passion, and along with a few colleagues who have a keen interest in other sports, we have been brainstorming creating a charity who's purpose is to assist referees (and other officials in other sports) with preparing their report, their statement and assisting them through the process. This would include speaking on the phone, email, in person and if appropriate, representing them at the panel/hearing. It would all be done pro bono and in line with whatever guidance County FA's, FA's etc have in place. It could be as simple as just brainstorming some questions and talking through the process with the referee, all the way through to fully representing them and dealing with all the questions at the hearing.

I am aware that in many areas the RA or local CFA have experienced members who will assist and accompany referees to hearings, however from my experience without being disrespectful, it has not always been useful and can sometimes be more of a hindrance, considering that the member will often be someone that has close connections with the panel and the club; and of course there is sometimes no assistance depending on what area you are in. Our intention would be to be completely independent of all parties, and work on behalf of the referee, similar to how a lawyer would work, but with no fee!

I was wondering if anybody has any views on this, particularly the questions below? Any comments are welcomed and much appreciated! Thank you!

- Is my summary above a fair reflection of the disciplinary panel system in your area?
- Do you think this is something you, or someone you know would benefit from?
- Do you think this is something that could work in conjunction with the FA/CFA/RA?
- Do you think there is any specific assistance or information we should be providing?
A&H International