The Ref Stop

QPR Last Minute Pen

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The Ref Stop
Not unusual, sadly, but it's pathetic. Just enforce the damn law already.
Sure, one could argue that those defenders didn't have any effect on the kick - so what? It's a blatant breach on the law.

Look at the mess this over emphasis on 'impact' has gotten us into - the encroachment law may as well not exist.

Every other sport has a much simpler approach to things like encroachment. Did you encroach, yes or no? It's that simple.

Heck, if FIFA wanted us to ignore 'trifling' breaches there, then they could write into the 'additional advice' what that is - approx 1 step, for instance.

This is absurd, no excuse for not pulling this back - and looks like a match-changing error by the referee to me.

But, when we've got this culture of 'the referee shouldn't actually make a decision that upsets somebody', and if it was a retake it'd be his fault, not the players....well, of course this is going to happen.
Based solely on the pic, it of course should be a retake. 1> its very much common practise to ignore the encroachment, but I think its more as case of the age old (understandable?) story of the referee taking the less hassle call and letting it go, as to (esp given in mind the 0-4 down to 3-4 and this is last kick of game) retake this and have a goal, would lead to the referee being chased off the park, be all over papers for costing the away team a 4 goal lead and so on....along same lines as Taylor not producing a straight red at Burnley last week because the spotlight would then fall onto him.

Am split on this one. Should it be a retake. Yes. Would I like to see a retake. 90%. Would I have retaken it? more no than yes, but maybe. Do I understand it not being retaken (providing we are saying the officials were aware of the encroachment!), yes, certainly.

I can certainly understand turning a blind eye to it at pub league in the same circumstances....
Going back to Bloodbear, in the pic, where is the ref?????

Am going to guess he is at the 18 yard line, on the far left? Probably standing a vain effort to prevent encroachment?
Which dams him even further, as it be neigh on impossible not to notice the 3 yellow players further forward than he is !! We could excuse the one closet to him, but not the 12 and 6 !!
Based solely on the pic, it of course should be a retake. 1> its very much common practise to ignore the encroachment, but I think its more as case of the age old (understandable?) story of the referee taking the less hassle call and letting it go, as to (esp given in mind the 0-4 down to 3-4 and this is last kick of game) retake this and have a goal, would lead to the referee being chased off the park, be all over papers for costing the away team a 4 goal lead and so on....along same lines as Taylor not producing a straight red at Burnley last week because the spotlight would then fall onto him.

Am split on this one. Should it be a retake. Yes. Would I like to see a retake. 90%. Would I have retaken it? more no than yes, but maybe. Do I understand it not being retaken (providing we are saying the officials were aware of the encroachment!), yes, certainly.

I can certainly understand turning a blind eye to it at pub league in the same circumstances....

Ultimately, managing situations like this causes more problems and the cycle of repeat offences continues with varying application of law from officials. Sometimes we have to look at ourselves when it comes to the difficult situations in the game (Like this). Refs are the only ones who can sort issues like this, or we end up with the current situation, where we apply/ignore law dependant on how much stick we will get.

In cricket, a no ball is a no ball if there's no part of your foot behind the line. There's no arguing with the umpire, even if the player is 2mm over or if it's a close game etc.

With the introduction of VAR next year, all encroachment should be penalised (this needs to be communicated to teams and refs to actually stick to it, unlike the shirt pulling and moving the ball 10 yards for dissent crackdowns etc). After a few weeks, no one would give the ref any stick for encroachment, it would be accepted that you can't do it because if you do, even by a 2mm, you will be penalised. Problem solved. Let's not be fearful of applying the law because of scrutiny. We should embrace it because we would be correct!!
If you want to do a retake in your pub cup tie in the last min to go 4-4 carry on !!! I look forward to next weeks post of "I gave retake and then had to abandon due to 5 red cards, was it worth it but least I applied the laws" !!
If you want to do a retake in your pub cup tie in the last min to go 4-4 carry on !!! I look forward to next weeks post of "I gave retake and then had to abandon due to 5 red cards, was it worth it but least I applied the laws" !!

It would be alot easier if it was enforced at the top, which with VAR should almost eliminate encroachment if used correctly.

As for my game, if the encroached is level with the taker then yes I'd give it. There'd be no riot for such an extreme example like that.

But the point was specifically linked to VAR introduction and how it should be used to stamp encroachment out of the game....
Do you not then go down the road of VAR timing gk with ball, and the other offences we for better or worse deem as trifling?
we then turn the sport into an exact science?
Potentially then we use VAR to award the pk in the first place, then, its needed again to retake a penalty

All of which we cant do this afternoon in our own games, so, the focus should be on how (most) of us can manage situations. That's what officiating is afterall, managing the game to the best of our abilities.
Look I agree totally with your point about grass roots. The culture is still that of aggression and spoilt child levels (4 yellows and a red yesterday, my most ever). Constant dissent from a team full of yobs, the home team embarrassed by it all. Some of the tackles would've been out of place 30 years ago and I penalised every 'dangerous" tackle early on, which meant that there were no injuries or flash points from that aspect, but the abuse I received because they "won the ball", the usual nonsense. Inner city football can still be a cess pit and would I have given a retake for a bit of encroachment yesterday, absolutely not. Extreme encroachment yes bit I've never had to yet.

My point is that we as officials, led by our governing bodies, are excellent at coming up with reasons why we cant do things and useless at coming up with reasons why we can/should. VAR is an oppurtunity to stamp out encroachment, holding in the box etc and i really hope that the top bods ensure that it happens, instead of continuing this nonsense tactic of appeasement. Then, it may make it easier in my game at the dog and duck league to apply law and it be accepted, which is ultimately where we want to be as refs, like those in other sports who have stronger governing bodies
Potentially then we use VAR to award the pk in the first place, then, its needed again to retake a penalty

All of which we cant do this afternoon in our own games, so, the focus should be on how (most) of us can manage situations. That's what officiating is afterall, managing the game to the best of our abilities.

Totally agree. I'd hate for us to miss further opportunities for the game to be improved. VAR is being introduced to do just that. VAR is currently a static process. The game is stopped whilst it's applied. It's only natural that it's evolution will lead to live officiating, ie the on field ref watching the penalty and the VAR officials watching for encroachment and to communicate that information quickly. That's the way I see it going anyway. Change and evolution are the only certainties once something new is introduced
Easy solution to this, Just like the throw in, make it an invisible 2-metre exclusion zone before the line.... Happy days, problem sorted!!!
I dont think its a huge issue. Given choice between the vomit enducing fabikity of Taylor last week, or having to call sfp tackles, am not overly concerned by a player in the box at a pk
Much like stealing up to say ten yards at a throw or a defensive free kick
In perfect world, yes, nobody apart from kicker runs in. Game changing if a defender does? No.

If with a crystal ball am going to have a near perfect game today in a 4-4 draw and my one error/point for improvment is dealing with an encrouchment in the box, I will take that now.
I remember a 3-0 turning into a 3-3 with a last minute pen. Fantastic achievement as they had 9 men at the very end!! Sadly the other team went up the field and nicked it 4-3... I'd forgot that one!!!
28 shots in a game! Certainly worth the entrance fee.... I'm assuming @PinnerPaul isn't a happy bunny!!! :poop:

What can I say!

At that precise moment encroachment certainly wasn't the first thing on my mind!

THE game of 2 halves - lost first half 4-1 and we were very lucky to get the 1 - just before half time. We scored again just after half time, went 3 at the back and went for it! GK (Ex QPR ironically!) made some great saves, we scored 2 could have had 5 or 6 had a big pen shout just before that and then the pen- aaaargggghhhhhh

The other ref incident was their number 16 should have had a 2nd yellow, 2nd foul tackle was worse than the one he got yellow for, but as in Palace v West Ham game yesterday, the top officials are doing everything, including ignoring the laws to keep 11 on the pitch.

SLIGHTLY worried that if Birmingham can score 4 in 45' what Watford might do...…………………………….
If you want to do a retake in your pub cup tie in the last min to go 4-4 carry on !!! I look forward to next weeks post of "I gave retake and then had to abandon due to 5 red cards, was it worth it but least I applied the laws" !!
For encroachment that blatant? Absolutely. I'd expect every single referee to have the courage to make that decision.

Unless you'd rather be LWR...