U6 Training Story

Sheffields Finest

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind!
Level 7 Referee
Just back from taking my 3 Grand Kid boys to a new football training session at Concorde arena in Sheffield, My lads are aged 5,5 & 4

Now, they had the normal running around cones etc and shooting etc, all low key, then they started a 'friendly' game, about 10 on 10 on an indoor court!

One lad was playing and was a little boy possessed, :devil: he did 3 straight red two footed 'assaults', properly using himself as a guided missile, Ive really never seen anything like it especially in a kid so young. He was also kicking violently towards the ball if it came anywhere near his even despite other boys were on the ball, it was his!!! He then did another, not as bad this time which led to a third child on the receiving end in tears... I summoned the coach over and asked him to have a word as this wasn't his first offence, Coach said 'he got the ball' I said, 'yes, on that one he did, but he'd wiped out the lad in front of him'.... Parent to my side said that the lad had ADHD and they struggled to get through to him!!! :blackeye:... Now, at what point do you say enough is enough and say that a certain player cannot play? I know its tough but this was a broken leg waiting to happen... I wasn't on duty but he'd of walked in a real game, Absolute sludge..... I don't care how old he is!!! :)

Ever seen constant sludge tackles from a bullying player at any age??
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A&H International
Update, I didn’t go today but my daughter did, apparently the kids parents had heard that I’d had a word with the coach and have withdrawn him.... GOOD.. coach asked for me and said he wanted a word.... I can’t wait for that! 😂

Wife has a go at me so I responded in saying that if the worst had happened and a broken leg had occurred then you’d of had a go at me for not having a word...

You can’t win sometimes!
Just had a face to face with the same coach from two weeks ago!!!
Well, I gave him a proper lecture on player safety and his responsibilities ,,, like I was in RefMode 😂. Claims he didn’t see the 3 sludge tackles, and said again that the 4th missed, I said his first job was player safety and his answer was embarrassing, he claimed I’d said something to the parents which was untrue. Anyway, little bully isn’t here this week, good! The grand kids can get back to enjoying it and I can switch off from ref duty and get back on granddad duty ❤️
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I'm all for inclusion where it is possible, and I can't immediately think of a reason why someone with ADHD would automatically be stopped from playing football.

However, the other players have to be considered and if this child's behaviour places others in danger of being injured, and he can't or won't adjust his behaviour then the safety of the other players must trump his right to playing football.

The coach sounds a bit weak to me, trying to excuse the challenges rather than facing up to the fact that he might to do something before someone gets injured.
ADHD wasn't invented when I was a kid, certain kids were little b*******..... Not sure If that was a specific medical term I'll have to ask @Kes :angel:
There wasn't the same inclusion thing, if fact, there was a specific classroom for the naughty kids called the 'Unit'. I was sent there once myself, a tomboy girl punched me and just as the teacher walked into the room I was in the throws of slapping her back... Oops.....