
A&H International
How am I ever meant to justify not calling a handball again when this is deemed deliberate? Handball law in dire need of reform


I think the problem is that the instructions they have apparently been given for this tournament are what FIFA want the handball law reformed to. If they were simply following the laws of the game it wouldn't have been given.
Brown envelopes all round from the Qatar contingency?
Anthony Taylor told us in no uncertain terms that HB is judged by different criteria domestically that anywhere abroad. Looking back, that's why there was friction on the forum during the World Cup. Quite simply, these HBs are being given internationally, not by chance, but by directive (despite being contrary to the LOTG). More goals... nobody cares how they happen and if they're fair as long as the game generates more £$
That’s one hell of a penalty mind you. The way he shaped up completely threw me!
I don't normally get too carried away when watching games but I was watching this match and actually yelling at the screen, "That's never deliberate!"

However, as others have already mentioned, it's in line with the way they were judging handling offences (especially when using VAR) during the World Cup.
I don't normally get too carried away when watching games but I was watching this match and actually yelling at the screen, "That's never deliberate!"

However, as others have already mentioned, it's in line with the way they were judging handling offences (especially when using VAR) during the World Cup.
I know some of the incidents that caused debate on here from the WC and while similar I think they still had some differences.
Personally, I don't think this one is a foul....but I also can see why there might be an argument the other way, so I 'm okay with VAR not overruling it.

I'd be okay with this being consistently a foul if there was crystal clear instruction that puts a lot of responsibility on players to keep arms out of the likely potential path of the ball. But we don't have that currently.
No defender jumps like he’s on a pogo stick, or should he, saying his arms are in an unnatural position is100% clap trap to say this is deliberate handball action. The ball deflects of an attacker, thats completely unexpected ball and all the other considerations of the word NO offence.... I'm playing on!
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Why have defenders become second class citizens in law, everything of late is helping attackers to gain an unfair advantage??? Why?
Why have defenders become second class citizens in law, everything of late is helping attackers to gain an unfair advantage??? Why?

Because everybody wants to see goals. Lots of goals. More goals, more tv audiences equals, more advertising revenue.

Take Cardiff v Bournmouth tonight. No way am I watching that,however, if your time travelling and you tell me it was a good game, 0-0 draw, am still not watching it
Travel back from 8pm tonight and tell me it was a good game but a 3-3 draw, or even a poo game and a 3-3 draw, and , hey, I might just stick it on....
So you can’t tackle, jump or stand in front of a shot anymore from them poor attackers! It may as well be tag, veterans walking football with no tackling.
Football needs to be football, the game we love and not an Americanised faked event!
No defender jumps like he’s on a pogo stick, or should he, saying his arms are in an unnatural position is100% clap trap to say this is deliberate handball action. The ball deflects of an attacker, thats completely unexpected ball and all the other considerations of the word NO offence.... I'm playing on!

People aren't airplanes - you don't need arms out like wings to jump high. Personally I think people overstate 'natural position'. You can be taught to do something different and that's just as easily 'natural'. Jumping with arms out to the side is just poor and inefficient body mechanics for the most part....although there might be a bit more to it when it's a physical aerial contest in this case.

I mean, it's perfectly natural to go into a sliding tackle with studs raised.......until you learn not to. There's usually a few different ways somebody can go in for the same thing.

But with this one, I don't think the arm was where the ball was likely to have gone (as opposed to the ones in the WC where defenders were jumping up and stretching their arms out between the attacker and the goal), the fact that he was bouncing off the opponent means he won't have full control over whether his arm comes up....though countering that, the arm was sticking out like that from the start.

Whether FIFA wants this to be a foul or not, I don't care - but let's see it written into the laws. IMO the DHB law is getting too subjective, too personal - and not to mention the secret directives that some refs are getting and not others.
We jump with arms raised for balance totally naturally. He hasn't gone to handle a ball, come on, please, 95% + of defenders don't do that on purpose, they know the consequences.. If this becomes the norm then I'm done, I'm glad i've retired, the game is an absolute joke!