

RefChat Addict
One of the things that I've always loved about refereeing is the sense of unity and community between referees. I think it's not until you have picked up a whistle and done games as an officially appointed referee that you really how bloody hard it is, which makes the bond between referees of all levels and walks of life much stronger.

I had an absolutely horrible game yesterday. 6 yellows, 3 reds, 1 technical area dismissal and then 5 additional misconduct reports (for obvious reasons relating to those I'm not going to elaborate on a public forum). I came home ready to quit the game on the spot.

I was absolutely blown away by the support I received from colleagues, genuine compassion mixed with some very pragmatic advice on some of the elements to ensure I captured in the misconduct reporting. This morning, with a renewed sense of perspective I'm more determined than ever not to let this incident drive me to give up something I love doing and also it's made me realize what an honour it is to be part of such a special community!
A&H International
I think all we can say is "we have all been there", i doubt there is a referee on here whos been reffing longer than two years who has not felt like throwing the towel in.

Glad you're ok and ready to go again.
Were you on your own in that match? Good to see word got out and the locals supported you. Always nice to see when refs come together in support.
Nothing to worry about. Just get back on the horse pronto. On the bright side you've another couple of teams who'll say 'oh F*@# not you again!
TBH it's not wise (and possibly not safe) for a referee to be appointed to the same teams in big incident like this. Don't know all the details but it sounds very nasty.

The bright side for me is that you are now a much stronger referee and although you don't want to see anything similar again, your learning from this can help you a lot if you did.