Three Today


Active Member
My three today went like this.....first week of full-on HS soccer. Great referee crew for the 3 matches. One from off island. First game I was center was a beauty, younger lads seem to respect the referee a bit more than them older turds. Seconds game, first game for older boys this season. This is Westside. Westside in Hawaii is considered the, let me say, gnarly side of the islands. 4 yellows and 1 red. Home team Blue, is fouling all over the place, get schooled by the away team. I'm running the line on the coaches side. They are going nuts as always! I'm barking at them, I'm asking them to be quiet. Then a player who is a giant turd gets injured again, this we all know has a temper tantrum, the coach is trying to settle him while they both decide to drop numerous F-bombs on each other in the vicinity of yours truly. Like what were they thinking? Of course, myself and the 4th reported it and he had the audacity to ask, who ratted him out? LOL. Like what a piece of work. Third game I was center, fairly mellow than got a bit rough with three cautions in the second half! The girls tend to like to smash into each other.

Now, here is the question of the day. How many yellows can be given in a game? Because the boy's games should have gotten 8 but got 4?

And what to do with the dissent? I send em packing and thanks for the forum. Mahalo
A&H International
You can give as many yellows as you need and if these turn into double yellows then he player should not have commited another offence. Dissent yellow card will normally shut them up if not keep bringing out.
I opened the thread to wish you happy birthday thinking you turned three today :)

1. As many as it takes.
2. Dissent is a yellow card. You send them packing for OFFINABUS .
Those U11s can be little ***** from memory, I thought you lot liked dancing and drinking pineapples! Where did they drag this lot up from?? :)
I wish I was 3 today! And I guess depending upon the stars and moons any given 9 to 77 year old could make a complete ass of themselves!