U9s game.

I all for giving learning opportunities. I'll show and tell once. And I'll let them know what'll happen if you do it again after.
I wont, however, blanket ignore a lotg.
A&H International
I all for giving learning opportunities. I'll show and tell once. And I'll let them know what'll happen if you do it again after.
I wont, however, blanket ignore a lotg.
Yeah I more meant that I tell then what was wrong rather than penalise it straightaway
On Saturday the keeper kept dropping the ball then picking it back up on the 3rd time I stopped the game explained to him then restarted the game I didn't give an idfk
Why didn't you stop play the first time the player did it? I understand not giving ifk, if you take action and explain to the player that it is not allowed (and next time you will give ifk), but turning a blind eye to that twice and then stopping play is only causing confusion in their little minds
Why didn't you stop play the first time the player did it? I understand not giving ifk, if you take action and explain to the player that it is not allowed (and next time you will give ifk), but turning a blind eye to that twice and then stopping play is only causing confusion in their little minds
I shouted keeper you can't pick it up if you drop it on the floor the first and second time
Here is what I think I would do with things like, pass back at U9
First, you tend to find coach shouts to gk "dont pick it up" anyway.
Leaving that aside, if there was a clear obv pass to gk, at this level, I would gauge the reaction, now, please dont think for one moment lack of appeals is ever going to influence a decision on my park, but, if keeper lifts it and there is an appeal and it is 100% a passback then, I think I would give it. You are kind of duty bound to, if its in the league rules. Afterall we dont get to pick and choose which laws to apply
If I feel I can "get away with it", I will, but, I will shout "keeper, mind not to use hands on passbacks", so now, everybody knows
of course, I will now have to let the other team do one too if it happens.
I am covering both applying the laws, and educating at the same there i feel.
As with most things, there's probably a sensible middle ground here. Letting backpasses go without comment helps no one learn and is in contradiction of the LOTG. Penalising them in line with the LOTG is harsh on a kid who has made an honest mistake and reduces the fun at an age when that's all important. Sensible refereeing is to stop play, explain what the player's done wrong and what would happen in future, allow the keeper to continue play from the floor and get on with it. If the keeper reoffends you can maybe do this again, but along with the second warning, I'd let the coach know that you intend to penalise with an IFK if it happens again.