The Ref Stop



RefChat Addict
Another weekend gone.

Saturday: OA match, a pleasure to referee. 2-2, could've gone either way, no cards required. Handshakes and all around. Genuine enjoyment.

Sunday Morning: OA Sunday League match, a game described by colleagues (both from the RA) in the officials changing rooms as a 'tough one'. 4-1. As always I cracked down on studs up tackles From the outset which helped keep the game relatively calm (both teams are right on the edge throughout), one yellow for a reckless challenge and one for persistent offending. One player refered ti me as sir during the game lol! Handshakes from most (not all) after and no issue with the management of the losing side, who can often be difficult to say the least! Lots of little bits of dissent and a big crowd for a Sunday League game who gave me stick throughout but I got through it ok and it went well. One of them you're happy to get out of without any real issues. As it's a bit topic, a very senior ref and RA member wore a bib on the pitch next to me :)

Sunday aftenoon: u18s match on 3g. Home team 1-0 up with 15 to play but should be 6-0. No key decisions to make really, doddle of a game. Then the away team equalise from a corner. 4 mins to go,winger beats the defender, who go's down and shouts out a bit but nothing bad,it looks like a classic case of cramp. Winger advances and as he's about to cross I hear a huge scream and it's clear it's not cramp it's a serious injury (knee ligament by the looks of things afterwards, something I know well). I stop the game as the winger is crossing it. Of course the striker knocks it in so que appeals from the attacking team. Fair play to the coaches who told their own team that as soon as I realised it was serious I had to stop it and they agree to it. Player gets carried off, everyone happy to continue. 30 seconds later another defender on the same team jumps for a header unchallenged and lands awkwardly on his ankle and now he's done ligament damage. 2 serious injuries and not a tackle in the match. Both teams happy to continue but the away team best defender have both gone off and they lose 3 goals in the last 2 mins. Handshakes all around and a laugh with both sets of coaches who were a credit to their teams.

A good weekend all round, and City won the derby.

Hope you all had good ones too.
The Ref Stop
Another weekend gone.

Saturday: OA match, a pleasure to referee. 2-2, could've gone either way, no cards required. Handshakes and all around. Genuine enjoyment.

Sunday Morning: OA Sunday League match, a game described by colleagues (both from the RA) in the officials changing rooms as a 'tough one'. 4-1. As always I cracked down on studs up tackles From the outset which helped keep the game relatively calm (both teams are right on the edge throughout), one yellow for a reckless challenge and one for persistent offending. One player refered ti me as sir during the game lol! Handshakes from most (not all) after and no issue with the management of the losing side, who can often be difficult to say the least! Lots of little bits of dissent and a big crowd for a Sunday League game who gave me stick throughout but I got through it ok and it went well. One of them you're happy to get out of without any real issues. As it's a bit topic, a very senior ref and RA member wore a bib on the pitch next to me :)

Sunday aftenoon: u18s match on 3g. Home team 1-0 up with 15 to play but should be 6-0. No key decisions to make really, doddle of a game. Then the away team equalise from a corner. 4 mins to go,winger beats the defender, who go's down and shouts out a bit but nothing bad,it looks like a classic case of cramp. Winger advances and as he's about to cross I hear a huge scream and it's clear it's not cramp it's a serious injury (knee ligament by the looks of things afterwards, something I know well). I stop the game as the winger is crossing it. Of course the striker knocks it in so que appeals from the attacking team. Fair play to the coaches who told their own team that as soon as I realised it was serious I had to stop it and they agree to it. Player gets carried off, everyone happy to continue. 30 seconds later another defender on the same team jumps for a header unchallenged and lands awkwardly on his ankle and now he's done ligament damage. 2 serious injuries and not a tackle in the match. Both teams happy to continue but the away team best defender have both gone off and they lose 3 goals in the last 2 mins. Handshakes all around and a laugh with both sets of coaches who were a credit to their teams.

A good weekend all round, and City won the derby.

Hope you all had good ones too.
Less eventful for moi
Manager dismissed in difficult OA game yesterday
My Nana could have reffed my U18s appointment this morning :old: Very tame, but 5.5 miles on a heavy pitch, so worth doing
Less eventful for moi
Manager dismissed in difficult OA game yesterday
My Nana could have reffed my U18s appointment this morning :old: Very tame, but 5.5 miles on a heavy pitch, so worth doing

Pretty quiet weekend really. 2 yellows in 3 matches. Not all weekends do we finish feeling positive about what we do so it's nice to savour the good ones.
I had a good quality cup middle called off ATM 8am Saturday morning. Texted the appointment secs to say it was off and I was available. Got a note back telling me that one of the secs probably had something for me. Cue another massive downpour, so I get a call to tell me sorry no game, however could I help out with a senior cup middle in a few weeks time, on a Tuesday, with neutral assistants. I picked that one up, then got the reappointment through for my postponed cup game on the Thursday. Looking forward to it, should be a great week.
Well my weekend consisted on a day out in Derby which was very much an enjoyable one!

Today back to OA Sunday league. Home team lost 4-1 but it was the away team causing trouble. Their manager acting as CAR entered the pitch to have a go after the first time i overruled him (a throw in on the half way mark where I had a better view... madness). Then penalty given against away team. Player booked for dissent and cue the managers opinion again. This was the followed by a 22 man huddle about 10 mins later. Havent seen what started it as it was off the ball but then away captain runs half the length of the pitch to throw a punch (the only punch thrown). His off and I was very grateful the home team did not react and allowed me to deal with it. Fairly quiet second half after that lot.
Observing yesterday on step 5 supply league game. Home team led 5-1 after 71 minutes, finished 5-5, certainly one of the more bizarre games I have ever seen.
I was pleasantly surprised in my U14 game on sat, home team down 2 nil after 3 mins (first was an own goal) 2 mins left and it’s 2-1 with home team taking a corner, leads to a goal line pinball session and claims of ball crossing the line, I couldn’t say for sure so I glance at my CA lino (a parent of defending team) and he confirms it’s a goal!

Good on him for being honest and wanting a fair result, not often this happens so I shook his hand at the end and thanked him 👍