Didn’t enjoy it today!


RefChat Addict
Level 3 Referee
Really didn’t enjoy today, supply league middle. 1 team wanting to play the other moaning from minute 0. Read card late in the first half, lunge and contact with studs to the midriff of the player, SFP.

Really didn’t have fun, excellent assistants though and a 1 great team who worked with me not against me.

How do you lot deal with the tough games? I’m not new to this but for some reason it’s rattled my cage.
A&H International
Not even Messi or Ronaldo comes off every game feeling amazing, and am sure whoever your ref idol is has sat with head in hands after the full time whistle at some point too
If you are sure you did what you had to do, worked as hard as you could (with both teams), felt like your performance was on par with your usual, if you know you got the 1 big call for a red correct, and you indeed worked well with the ARs, it does not sound like you have much reason to be down.

if it happens 5/6 times in a row, then a wee alarm bell might start to ring but one game, as above, move on!!
Tough games were the norm for me as I was the go-to ref for the harder teams at the r's end of the lower leagues. It took time to get to that, earn your wings as they say, great experience too, as when the easier ones come they'll be a cake walk...Chin up, the experience is priceless and you'll be a better ref than one mollycoddled through promotion games reffing choirboys....
Given the job we do and the fact that there will usually be one side who are unhappy at your performance and aren't afraid to tell you so, it's not reasonable to expect to enjoy every game, sometimes it will just effect your enjoyment of the game. But we also know that there are many games which we will enjoy every minute, tis the nature of the job imo. On to the next one
I already did not enjoy tomorrows' match that am scheduled to be doing !
last time I had the home team I can still see the captain at the end saying "you will never referee one of my team's games again"
until tomorrow of course that is!!
I loved return games with old foes too. It could go two ways, clean slate, move on, or its Party card time.... Never fear them, let them fear you.... Set your stall out early, look strong, don't show nerves or fear..... Got some great tales with habitual offenders!!
Can't say I enjoyed my game much today. Vets match on a 3g pitch. Poor game in truth with very little happening for the first 80 minutes and I found maintaining concentration and enthusiasm difficult (I didn't let it drop, it just felt like a real effort to maintain it). Then the home team score two goals late on, the first clearly on side by a couple of yards, the 2nd looked level (no CARs and it's a 50 yard long ball over the top). At the end of the match a couple of the away players give me some grief but nothing ott. Just felt like a bit of a slog from start to finish. See how we go tomorrow
Really didn’t enjoy today, supply league middle. 1 team wanting to play the other moaning from minute 0. Read card late in the first half, lunge and contact with studs to the midriff of the player, SFP.

Really didn’t have fun, excellent assistants though and a 1 great team who worked with me not against me.

How do you lot deal with the tough games? I’m not new to this but for some reason it’s rattled my cage.
You are not new to this so you know the drill. A bit of support helps. Everyone here is more than happy for that :) Talk to a few colleagues, they would be good for it too. A current mentor or the one you had in your early days is also a very good person to talk to.
One thing I recommend to colleagues who come of games feeling down a couple of times in a row is to ask their appointments secretary to be put on less difficult games/teams for a week or two. It helps bring back the love for the job and remind you what you are out there for.
Well it went ok, was desperate for a card early but nothing stuck out until 20 mins in, slightly late tackle, provoked a aggressive reaction, so, ideal, yc each
30 mins straight forward red for SFP, player was walking soon as made tackle,
1 more yellow each in 2nd half....cant say I enjoyed it, but have come through it unscathed!!

After 3 middles and 1 observation, am shattered !
I felt the same after yesterday. Was happy with my performance, got all big decisions correct, 2 easy dissent cautions resulting in sin bins. Away team were good as gold, home team not so much. Sent the coach away from the pitch for his actions. Came off the pitch after 22 handshakes, and a few “can we have you again ref” but just didn’t enjoy it.
It happens, the other week when I had 3 (As AR)

1) 'Crowd' got on my nerves a bit but OK
2) Really good game, friendly benches, felt I nailed every call
3) Not enjoyable at all - benches querying nearly every call by ref, then started asking my opinion on the calls, then started moaning at what I was doing, which encouraged crowd to do the same

3 games, same sport - all completely different in enjoyment!