Ball to hand?

How does that work though? You could have a stoppage for 30 minutes due to a serious injury, that would mean no subs can be made in the last 30 minutes of the game as that would be time added on for stoppages.
The philosophy of having a unified set of rules for all football around the world, appears to have a limited remaining shelf-life
We're seeing some Laws being introduced from the bottom up (Sin Bin, Return Subs), and other major changes from the top down (VAR etc)
Games with high amounts of added time are quite rare. However they work it, clamping down on time wasting (or one form of cheating), can only be a good thing for the professional game
A&H International
I understand IFAB will be considering a blocking substitutions during Injury Time (Something I thought was an obvious consideration decades ago). Also, to allow players to leave the FOP at the nearest boundary
IFAB must have been informed about the concept of time wasting!

Presume it’s too mandate subbed players leave at the nearest boundary line. They are already allowed to leave anywhere the pitch where they want.
I understand IFAB will be considering a blocking substitutions during Injury Time (Something I thought was an obvious consideration decades ago). Also, to allow players to leave the FOP at the nearest boundary
IFAB must have been informed about the concept of time wasting!
Really? Where are you hearing this? If you're saying what I think you're saying - that substitutions would not be allowed during injury time, I don't recall having seen that in any IFAB document, web page, video presentation, whatever. As for players being 'allowed' to leave at the nearest boundary - if you're talking about substitutions again, I haven't seen that either but there is mention on the IFAB 'fair play' website that the law could possibly be altered to say that players being substituted must leave by the nearest boundary line. It's just one of a number of "measures to reduce time-wasting and ’speed up’ the game" that are on the site.
Really? Where are you hearing this? If you're saying what I think you're saying - that substitutions would not be allowed during injury time, I don't recall having seen that in any IFAB document, web page, video presentation, whatever..

I have seen the same.

I’ve just fished out Friday’s Times from the recycling bin and taken a snap of the back page:

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Out of curiosity, where does this 30 seconds for substitutions thing come from? If that’s a recognised rule referees work by, wouldn’t it be easier to scrap that and actually add on the time it takes to make the sub rather than just have a default time?
So, as I thought, this does not come from any official IFAB document - just from an unofficial and unattributed 'off-the-cuff' interview by an unnamed IFAB official. I'm confused by a number of things in this report. It talks about ideas to increase the amount of actual playing time in matches and says they are, "Looking at ways to cut down on time-wasting, speed up the game and increase playing time." This echoes almost exactly word-for-word, phrases used on the IFAB 'fair play' website. This site, as I understand it, lists all the ideas currently and officially under consideration or merely discussion, in relation to improving the game in several significant areas including time-wasting. Several of the ideas mentioned (substitutes being required to leave by the nearest boundary, allowing defenders to play the ball inside the penalty area after a goal kick or free kick etc) are indeed listed on that site. However banning substitutes in added-on time is not there.

Also the 30 second thing, although it's something I've heard of and which some referees apparently use as a rough 'rule of thumb' is not a 'recognised formula' as far as I'm concerned and is wholly unsupported in Law. The law says that, "Allowance is made by the referee in each half for all time lost," (emphasis mine) not just some arbitrary amount that may or may not reflect the actual time lost. If a substitution takes 30 seconds, by all means make allowance for that amount. However if it takes more (or less) time then that is the time, according to the law, the referee should make allowance for.