The Ref Stop

Moving on from a bad game/mistake.


Level 7 Referee
Just wondering if you make a mistake in a game, how do you feel about it?

I know some referees say they just walk away and don't worry about it. Others say they put it right in the next game, whereas others it spoils there day.

I'm a dweller unfortunately.
The Ref Stop
Hand on heart, I think I could have made different decisions on two incidents during today's match and it's natural to question it. Sure, I can justify it to myself and explain it to others, but there's a nagging doubt sometimes. I dwell too, but I can't change it, all I can do is take from it what I should improve from next time.

Discussing with peers and senior colleagues can help,just get it off your chest. Realistically, it probably wasn't that big a deal. You've got a game next week and you'll do your very best again.

Onwards and upwards.
Basically I didn't give a blatant penalty.

I don't know why I didn't give it as the defender raised their hands to block the ball. It was such an easy decision to give, probably the easiest of the game.

I got hammered from all angles and rightly so.

I think maybe it was because I'd already given two pens in the game and has it was 4-2 and we were in the last 10 seconds of the game i switched off and was looking to finish the game.

So mad about it. Suppose it reminds us to never switch off.
I had 2 games today, first one a cup tie that went to pens. It was a really good game, and a challenging one which I enjoyed. But the second one was a year younger, 2 teams in bottom division top v bottom. So I switched off there, and knew I had when I was reffing, but couldn't help switching off.
I'm a dweller too! Generally, a mistake sticks with me until I get out in the middle again.

We all make mistakes, but the best thing you can do is try to learn from it and improve as a result, which it sounds like you already have! :)
In the words of Peter Frojdfeldt (Swedish referee at euro 2010)

"I am not god"

We all make mistakes mate it happens to the best of us. Chalk it up to experience. Good thing about football, always another game right around the corner.

Congratulate yourself! You have the ability to question your ability..........and that's a great quality in a referee

The FA produced a 'self-evaluation check sheet' some years ago, maybe an 'old lag' you know locally has a copy you can have?

Don't beat yourself up mate, but the list can make you more aware of both your shortcomings and your strengths

Some referees concentrate so hard on improving their 'shortcomings' they let their strengths go off of the boil

I don't think you'll do that mate. You've recognised a problem, you can now sort it, but develop your 'good points' too

If I'm worried about a decision I made, I glance at the clouds and look to see if they're still moving......if they are, I know at least it's not the end of the world
really useful that, particularly the point about not putting your hands on players - i'm definitely guilty of making contact with players when/after talking to them and i should try to avoid it.

i also find myself too close to the action on occasion. i know this is because the standard of football makes the play less predictable but i will be trying to stay out of the way more in future!
That's the kiddy

Top notch Grayson Thank you

I always advise my local colleagues to look back each month or 4 games whichever is sooner, and look at what you've noted about yourself

In addition, any mentor/assessor advice can be overlapped to your own evaluation, patterns do emerge, these are seemingly dull papers, but really can give a sharp picture of your game.