Misconduct report


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
As some of you might remember, I had a tough game last weekend and filed a misconduct report against one of the managers. I was wondering what happens if he appeals against my report and what would happen if he accepts it, as it’s the first time I’ve had to to through all this. Also, is there a way to see my club marks as I’m interested how low the away team manager gave me😂
A&H International
If it’s accepted, you’ll never hear of anything from the FA. You’ve done your part
If he appeals it depends what he says. He can request a personal hearing, a non-personal hearing (where the case it heard just based on your report and his statement with neither of you there), or he can accept the charge and submit a plea of mitigation. You would only be required to attend a hearing if he went for the first option. If he accepts it he will probably just get a fine, unless he has previous history in which case they could look at increased fines and touchline bans.

Generally leagues won't give you individual marks and rather will just give you your average at the end of the season along with the average mark for all league referees so you can see how you compare.