Provide adaquate protection!!

A&H International
Yes, this behavior is ridiculous and is only done for some perceived appearance reason
This should be forbidden in Law...no doubt about it
Yes, this behavior is ridiculous and is only done for some perceived appearance reason
This should be forbidden in Law...no doubt about it
I'm actually surprised he's wearing studs in that picture too, he spent more time on his backside at Bramall Lane claiming for non-existent fouls.... Complete waste of talent!!!
I'm actually surprised he's wearing studs in that picture too, he spent more time on his backside at Bramall Lane claiming for non-existent fouls.... Complete waste of talent!!!
I don't rate him for what it's worth. All ego and only turns up when he feels like it
Spurs' problems are not down to their apathy to sign him imo
Oi! Referees can't critisize players talents. Its not like the ever critisize us doing our jobs.

Ps. Jack Grealish will be taking Villa up this season despite his performance at Bramall Lane 😉
Oi! Referees can't critisize players talents. Its not like the ever critisize us doing our jobs.

Ps. Jack Grealish will be taking Villa up this season despite his performance at Bramall Lane 😉
Not a chance, old bent nose can't polish that turd!! .... You've not been the same since John Terry went on paternity leave!! ;)
We had a lad at school who, having forgotten his shin pads, used his calculator instead (also handy for keeping score!)

No, I wasn’t the ref that day, and it wasn’t one of our top teams - more a sixth form “social XI” Only heard about it after the game from the coach.
Well, better than the torn-up beer carton some of my teammates used to use.....

on one hand, these would probably offer better protection than some of the actual shinpads some people would use.

On the other hand, I feel like when the law references 'shinpads', it assumes that it's an actual shinpad....it also seems to me that having something relatively flat and wider than the shin (as this is) would offer some advantages for control, and this would be a lot easier to dislodge as well.

So no, I wouldn't be allowing it.
I have seen newspaper and cardboard stuffed into socks attempting to make it look shin guards (I disallowed all). I played in an indoor soccer tournament where I saw a GK from another team wearing full leg baseball catcher shin guards (we were going to refuse to play if he was going to be allowed to wear them against us.

  • shinguards – these must be made of a suitable material to provide reasonable protection and covered by the socks
Here is the debate.... what constitutes a proper shin guard? Does it have to be designed for football? Notice it doesnt say "shin protection" which I would say the above photo represents. It is a good point above that he is altering the profile of his leg even if it is deemed safe. Where do you draw the line? Hockey pads ok? Baseball shin guards ok? Can I athletic tape bubble wrap to my legs? How about a piece of wood?

imho this is not rocket science. The LOTG are not excessive for equipment. Not my fault you forgot your gear. Wear the required football gear or go home and get it. I wouldnt allow this
I have seen newspaper and cardboard stuffed into socks attempting to make it look shin guards (I disallowed all). I played in an indoor soccer tournament where I saw a GK from another team wearing full leg baseball catcher shin guards (we were going to refuse to play if he was going to be allowed to wear them against us.

  • shinguards – these must be made of a suitable material to provide reasonable protection and covered by the socks
Here is the debate.... what constitutes a proper shin guard? Does it have to be designed for football? Notice it doesnt say "shin protection" which I would say the above photo represents. It is a good point above that he is altering the profile of his leg even if it is deemed safe. Where do you draw the line? Hockey pads ok? Baseball shin guards ok? Can I athletic tape bubble wrap to my legs? How about a piece of wood?

imho this is not rocket science. The LOTG are not excessive for equipment. Not my fault you forgot your gear. Wear the required football gear or go home and get it. I wouldnt allow this
You'd have a job covering hockey pads with socks.

Always confuses players when you ask them to pull up their sock to cover their shin pad.