The Ref Stop

Advantage on second yellow tonight...

santa sangria

RefChat Addict
Ball over the top chased by two blue attackers, 25m out the burly yellow centre back recklessly shoulders the trailing attacker in the back... first attacker is gaining possession and advancing... these are not players about to whack in a 25m free kick and the attacker has a one-on-one, so I call the advantage... he gets in the box, scuffs the shot at the keeper...

Ball stays in play, I tell the defender he's getting a second yellow, ball stays in play longer, defender doesn't touch the ball (which would have triggered IDFK, I know)... eventually there's a corner at the other end and he's off.

It was 2-2 and the blues ran out 5-2 winners after the red card. Yellows fell apart and picked up another 5 yellows.

What was really nice is that blue captain came up and heaped on the praise for the advantage-RC after the game. Meanwhile a few yellows wouldn't shake hands and acted up when the winners sang their harmless team chant... twas ever thus...
The Ref Stop
Good decision all round. One of the few times you want to play advantage on a red card.

Also good that you pointed out he didn't touch the ball. To remind others who may not be familiar (given it's a recent addition):

Advantage should not be applied in situations involving serious foul play,
violent conduct or a second cautionable offence unless there is a clear
opportunity to score a goal. The referee must send off the player when the ball
is next out of play but if the player plays the ball or challenges/interferes with
an opponent, the referee will stop play, send off the player and restart with an
indirect free kick, unless the player committed a more serious offence.
Good decision all round. One of the few times you want to play advantage on a red card.

Also good that you pointed out he didn't touch the ball. To remind others who may not be familiar (given it's a recent addition):

Advantage should not be applied in situations involving serious foul play,
violent conduct or a second cautionable offence unless there is a clear
opportunity to score a goal. The referee must send off the player when the ball
is next out of play but if the player plays the ball or challenges/interferes with
an opponent, the referee will stop play, send off the player and restart with an
indirect free kick, unless the player committed a more serious offence.

Interesting one ... what if that player who's about to be red carded gets into his own box and inadvertently puts the ball into his own net? What do you give?