The Ref Stop

High Card Count

The Ref Stop
My only game with two reds only came with two other yellows, so 6 points for that. Beaten by a 8xYC game but just about managed to avoid any reds in that one.
As a side note, in my abandoned game a few years ago mentioned recently I was asked what sanctions I’d given to which I replied I would have sent off all 18 of the fighters to which I was asked if I’d taken names, :poop: what a bloody stupid request, I was happy to be 20 yards away in self preservation mode. I was also asked to comment on a second serious assault to which I said that i was not commenting on something I didn’t see, it would have made a great YouTube video until the final kick. Glad that was the only one in a career....
Lots of handbags and kerfuffles but this was off the scale.
My highest card count came from abandonment so can't include it. :(

My highest card count last season includes double-yellows so... Why do you make things so hard here? :P