Cardiff Newcastle

I'd be interested to see the page number of the LotG. By my recollection it says position of the arm is merely one of several considerations
There's a drip feed of material out of FIFA/UEFA that seems to be effectively communicated to referees at a higher level, which mandates this HB as a penalty. Without Refchat, grass roots officials and the media would have no way of knowing this stuff unless fortunate enough to hear about it at an RA meeting. Like most things to do with football governance, it's farcical. I'm also a rules official in golf and all rule changes are communicated directly to every club, official and media. I don't understand why the Laws are based on Chinese Whispers
A&H International
But I am sure you can imagine thats quite a complicated position to be in to say you haven't seen something that you appear to have penalised.

Yeah, it's just absurd, because if you're giving that, you must have seen it, and if you've seen it, surely it's a red?

I don't know tbh!
There's a drip feed of material out of FIFA/UEFA that seems to be effectively communicated to referees at a higher level, which mandates this HB as a penalty. Without Refchat, grass roots officials and the media would have no way of knowing this stuff unless fortunate enough to hear about it at an RA meeting. Like most things to do with football governance, it's farcical. I'm also a rules official in golf and all rule changes are communicated directly to every club, official and media. I don't understand why the Laws are based on Chinese Whispers
If you have so many issues with finding out the interpretations, please, take the time to talk to your local RA, your local tutors, etc. Ask about whether they can do more sessions on the interpretations that come down the chain so that your local group of referees is better equipped to handle the game.

The local RA may think that they're doing a good job, but is also at the behest of their membership to tell them where they are falling flat. Without feedback... they won't know how well or poorly they're doing.
The guidelines on retrospective action were made more flexible in 2013, to allow for the referee to say that although they saw something, they did not have a sufficiently clear view of an incident to arrive at the correct decision (which then allows for it to be reviewed).

A newspaper article on this explained it as follows:
In a world of specialization, someone has to specialize in the history of the laws of the game!
If you have so many issues with finding out the interpretations, please, take the time to talk to your local RA, your local tutors, etc. Ask about whether they can do more sessions on the interpretations that come down the chain so that your local group of referees is better equipped to handle the game.

The local RA may think that they're doing a good job, but is also at the behest of their membership to tell them where they are falling flat. Without feedback... they won't know how well or poorly they're doing.
I will, but i wouldn't have even known about the existence of RA's if i hadn't stumbled across this forum. I contacted an RA, turned up and found it mostly an evening of tom foolery. I may try a neighbouring county. My experience of starting out as a ref has been piss poor, except for what i've learned on here
If you have so many issues with finding out the interpretations, please, take the time to talk to your local RA, your local tutors, etc. Ask about whether they can do more sessions on the interpretations that come down the chain so that your local group of referees is better equipped to handle the game.

The local RA may think that they're doing a good job, but is also at the behest of their membership to tell them where they are falling flat. Without feedback... they won't know how well or poorly they're doing.
I don't have @Big Cat 's flair for hyperbole but he's right on this. The handball law as demonstrated in the WC is not what is written in the laws of the game and you have to dig very deep to understand how handball decisions are being judged. We saw in the world cup, it was beyond seasoned commentators to understand, it was also too confusing for Collina to effectively communicate to the press in the his press confs. We are left in a difficult situation because it is now very hard for us to explain a lot of handball scenarios to players and coaches who have no idea what the criteria are.
I don't have @Big Cat 's flair for hyperbole but he's right on this. The handball law as demonstrated in the WC is not what is written in the laws of the game and you have to dig very deep to understand how handball decisions are being judged. We saw in the world cup, it was beyond seasoned commentators to understand, it was also too confusing for Collina to effectively communicate to the press in the his press confs. We are left in a difficult situation because it is now very hard for us to explain a lot of handball scenarios to players and coaches who have no idea what the criteria are.
Is that a Spanish metaphor to indicate that i might dress things up a bit?
I don't think he gave a free kick for a foul involving Kenedy, rather there was another challenge straight after that he penalised.
Three similar (ish) incidents two in the same game.

Kenedy for Newcastle for me EASY RED
Arter in same game for i know a few disagree but A RED
Wilshire in the West Ham game, that was more a trip and a yellow the rihgt decision.
I think this game has been an absolute mess from start to finish. Although Kenedy should have received a 3 game suspension, i admire the fact that Craig Pawson has taken it on the chin by admitting that he gave a free kick for something which turned out to be VC
The ref has gone up in my estimation for showing honesty. The openness to admit a mistake is a dying art
Forget slow motion replays. They are very misleading. The graze down the back of the calf will be nothing worse than that. If you class that as brutality in real time, then you have to give 4 red cards for SFP in that game. Kenedy, yes, the others, reckless, move on, nobody says a word
I was sat among Cardiff fans and we were all aghast at Mr P
He's weak. The top flight is looking a bit weak tbh even tho i'm a big Oliver fan

Like you mate, I'm black and white through and through but I'd have certainly shown Hayden red for that challenge. Clumsy lunge from behind, studs raised, and potentially could have put his opponent out of football for weeks. Remember the LOTG are quite specific where challenges like that are concerned: Page 88

Serious foul play A tackle or challenge that endangers the safety of an opponent or uses excessive force or brutality must be sanctioned as serious foul play. Any player who lunges at an opponent in challenging for the ball from the front, from the side or from behind using one or both legs, with excessive force or endangers the safety of an opponent is guilty of serious foul play.

For me, Hayden ticks the box next to the above passage. ;) :cool:

Kenedy should also have walked - if not for his kick out, then for playing shyte and blowing a precious 3 point result. :(
Like you mate, I'm black and white through and through but I'd have certainly shown Hayden red for that challenge. Clumsy lunge from behind, studs raised, and potentially could have put his opponent out of football for weeks. Remember the LOTG are quite specific where challenges like that are concerned: Page 88

Serious foul play A tackle or challenge that endangers the safety of an opponent or uses excessive force or brutality must be sanctioned as serious foul play. Any player who lunges at an opponent in challenging for the ball from the front, from the side or from behind using one or both legs, with excessive force or endangers the safety of an opponent is guilty of serious foul play.

For me, Hayden ticks the box next to the above passage. ;):cool:

Kenedy should also have walked - if not for his kick out, then for playing shyte and blowing a precious 3 point result. :(
I lost the Hayden argument by the time i sobered up the next day 🤯
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