The Ref Stop

Red / yellow offence / linesman


Always smiling
30 minutes in defender blue wins a tackle on the edge of his own box starts to run away with the ball white attacker shoved him from behind not hard enough to knock him over / cause injury defender turns kicks attacker across the shins stops game sends defender off for voilent conduct cautions attacker then all hell breaks loose surrounded by blue team and shouts of your a joke your not capable of refereeing shocking decision from blue teams parents .
5 mins to go games at 4-4 both teams getting Petty silly fouls lots of arguing decisions,blue clears the ball from his area with a long punt up field balls travelling a lot faster then me but running to keep up with play white attacker beats blue to the clearance and runs towards goal defender brings down the attacker I blow for a penalty again all hell breaks loose, surround by blue tells them to back away or cautions for dissent will be given I get a shout from the club linesman who’s waving his flag normally with a club linesman I will wave it away but this linesman I’ve had a couple of times a nice guy always fair and unbiased I go over to talk to him he says it occurred on the edge of the box not inside he points towards a mark on the edge of the box as the pitch was muddy due to the rain i then could see the slide mark I reverse my decision and give a direct free kick nobody argues there happy to have a chance on goal ! takes kick defender clears team races away and scores 5-4 and finishes this way .
I always go to the centre to applaud the hand shake ,and shake hands with managers , coaches and players that offer there hand .
Losing team linesman approaches me shouting in my face “ you bottled it ref you bottled it ref , you can’t make a decision then change ,the linesman has had you over and you have fell for it” . Walks away gets bag and leaves .
Thoughts on first offence and how to handle things better next time .
The Ref Stop
Sorry matey, you might have reached to the right decision but I would say wrong process. I would highly advice against using CAR's for fouls; unless that's how you do it in your league?!? Which would be very odd, as I'm aware in the south CARs are only used for offsides and ball in/out of play.

Regardless of the fact he's a CAR, I wouldn't want my NAR to come in like that! It kills whatever credibility you have as a match official, it looks messy. If you reversed that decision on your own after consideration fine, but clearly influenced by the CAR (impartial as they may be) really endangers your credibility and match control
Sorry matey, you might have reached to the right decision but I would say wrong process. I would highly advice against using CAR's for fouls; unless that's how you do it in your league?!? Which would be very odd, as I'm aware in the south CARs are only used for offsides and ball in/out of play.

Regardless of the fact he's a CAR, I wouldn't want my NAR to come in like that! It kills whatever credibility you have as a match official, it looks messy. If you reversed that decision on your own after consideration fine, but clearly influenced by the CAR (impartial as they may be) really endangers your credibility and match control
Hi , we don’t use them for fouls in this league and he didnt advise me against the foul he just pointed to the visible mud slide mark which having looked was visible and just outside the area so in this case there was no argument that it was inside the box .
Need to keep focused and get up the pitch quicker
Sounds like you had a very tough one and a lot of learning point you can reflect on. On the yellow/red incident, from your description, you made the right decision. I would have liked to see you caution at least one of the players surrounding you from the blue team in the aftermath for dissent. Take your card out early, then you have two options: 1. Show it to one of the players early to bring them back under control or 2. If you think option one might inflame the situation even more then wait until everyone is disbursed then call back the player with the most dissenting reaction and caution him (don’t be tempted with thinking it’s over now, no need for a card).

On the ball in/out for a pen. Firstly, on a match changing decision, I would always go with the correct decision and manage the consequences (match control, credibility…) after. You made a mistake, you were sure you made a mistake and you corrected it. IMO you did the right thing but the process was not the best. I never use CARs so I won’t give you any advice on that. One thing I can tell you is once you blew the whistle for a foul close the PA line, give yourself a few seconds, run to the spot and don’t take your eye of the spot as you are running to it, then decide if a pen or not once you are there. I never give a pen unless I am absolutely certain the foul was inside the PA.

In general, from what you have written it sounds as though dissent from players and others having a go at you was a major issue in this game. You probably want to think about how you could have managed it better. They usually start small and if you ignore them or not deal with them they get bigger and bigger and out of control. Deal with them early and show everyone you don’t put up with it. If you don’t deal with it, it send the signal that you are a weak referee and they push their boundaries further and further on every instance. Players should never get away with surrounding you and calling you a joke.
Hi Chrisp72
Good advice from One
Also sometimes the level of the foul is not the issue. The temperature of the game / location can be the deciding factor. So the first foul by White on the defender needed to be dealt with and the game stopped with a strong whistle. Did the push merit a caution or was it the reaction to the kick? What caused the Blue defender to react the way that he did. Was there previous between these players? Clearly Blue defender had to go for VC. With techy players I adopt zero tolerance and fouls get called both ways.
On the penalty decision unless you were 100% sure of the location it can't be given. Skid marks is a not a way to make a decision even if the CAR points something out. Sure there are marks all over the field. The referee has to get close to the play to make the call. If it can't be seen clearly as inside then free kick. So my advice here would have been like One, blow for the foul, get closer to the location which on a few seconds can be another 10+ yards and then based on what you seen as the location of the foul make the call. If still unsure just go with the free kick.
As regards verbals unfortunately after the game can be all sorts. I certainly would not be allowing anyone into my face or close to me, Okay he has to give back the flag yet that can be done and then move away. I would be telling him in no uncertain terms to move away
Sorry matey, you might have reached to the right decision but I would say wrong process. I would highly advice against using CAR's for fouls; unless that's how you do it in your league?!? Which would be very odd, as I'm aware in the south CARs are only used for offsides and ball in/out of play.

Regardless of the fact he's a CAR, I wouldn't want my NAR to come in like that! It kills whatever credibility you have as a match official, it looks messy. If you reversed that decision on your own after consideration fine, but clearly influenced by the CAR (impartial as they may be) really endangers your credibility and match control

If my NAR can correct my clear error before I restart play etc, then I dont care if its messier than Messi doing his tax returns, just get the right call.