a parent posting about me on facebook

Not quite accurate in your last sentence......the club can take "disciplinary" action against parents.....all parents should have signed up to the codes of conduct when they signed for their offspring to join the club which will lay out what action may be taken against them.
Ah, sorry, I meant from the county's point of view.
A&H International
If that parent/coach thinks a yellow card being shown to a 10 year old equates to the worst refereeing performance at junior level, then he's in for a culture shock! :D

From what I have seen in recent seasons as a parent & referee, there's not enough registered referees who are prepared to card at youth level. Prime example was at my son's u15 game last week. "older" referee, 2 footed knee high tackle from behind, nothing said to the offender, then we had a player sitting on the floor, play stopped, opposition player aggressively kicks the ball at the player on the floor from a distance of 2 yards max, referee says "don't do that!" :mad: