Ligue 1 red card

A&H International
Dutch ref put this on FB. OK, the ref can RC ...but I think a second YC for the gesture of dissent would be much more appropriate here, rather than a RC for swiping the card - which seems accidental.
One of the youtube posts on this labelled it "unluckyist red card ever" I completely disagree.

First I think it is just possible he swiped it on purpose. The players palm is facing up and he only starts the gesture as the ref is bringing his card down. We'll never know but I'm not sure he didn't do it on purpose. Not making an excuse but I think the ref could of showed the yellow in a less confrontational manner btw.

Second - as you say. It's a second yellow for dissent anyway even if he misses the card.

Not unlucky, just dumb.
never a red card, a total accident, and it is worrying the ammount of so called qualified referees who think it is a red i understand some supporters who listen to the chris suttons of tv land,oh boy but not qualified referees, seriously
if the referee has deemed that as Abusive/Insulting or whatever term you wish to use at the time, then he can justify a RC.
Things always look different real time, remember, he can feel, hear, smell the environment/tempo that he is in, we are merely watching a clip and going , oft that's harsh. We always like to look at something and go, oh, that's not what I would have done, or, I like to think I would have handled it differently, however, until it is "us" out there, in the heat of THAT moment, faced with THAT situation, we truly don't know. For my 1% that's its worth, I like to think I would have thought, hey, was that on purpose, really, surely not....but, if I did, after weighing it up in my mind, replaying it etc..then a 2nd yellow would have been my call
Aye well, as posted on another post...he might well have reinforcements !

and if we are being totally picky, as we know....you don't actually need the card if it came down to it
Bonjour a tous,

Well I personally think this is an accident, it seems like the players hand is moving up in a gesture of dissent and the referee lowers his hand with the card. The players hand makes contact with the card and it slips out of the referee's grasp. A clear gesture of dissent by the player, so it would have been for me a second yellow card.

Straight Red, here is a translation of the French into English for what I believe the player was dismissed "hurtful, abusive and / or gross words or gestures". The referee obviously believed, at the time, that the player made a hurtful and gross gesture. If he reviews it later he may change his mind.

Just a point on French interpretation of the laws, and discipline. The French, and many other countries, take everything in the laws literally, so are more likely to sanction (and the FFF/Counties) and demand sanctions for some things that in England we would (I probably would have also) likely just give a word of warning. Here on our training courses and such like we are told this is a yellow card, this is a red card. There is no room for manoeuvre, you are expected to do as directed!
While the player knocking the card out of the refs hand looks accidental, we don't know what (if anything) the player may have said at the same time.
From the body language I cant't help but to think the player (actions) got under the referee's skin. The referee made a rash decision with emotions involved. I think if he had taken a couple of deep breaths an thought about it three seconds longer he would have made a different decision.

I would love to see a camera angle of the referee's face (facial expressions) in the process to prove me wrong.
never a red card, a total accident, and it is worrying the ammount of so called qualified referees who think it is a red i understand some supporters who listen to the chris suttons of tv land,oh boy but not qualified referees, seriously

Harsh wording. Your opinion as a so called qualified referee is that this is not offinabus. Not necessary to suggest anyone who disagrees is unqualified.
Looked harsh but we only have the one angle and no words. I can’t ever remember this type of thing ever happening to me, I dished a few hundreds out too. There have been much worse, but this would fall into the unlucky player bracket I guess...