Runner Ref's latest activity

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    Runner Ref reacted to Big Cat's post in the thread VAR Vote with Like Like.
    A debate on the subjectivity of C&O as opposed to a debate as to whether a Ref got it right or wrong. Glad VAR has resolved that...
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    Runner Ref replied to the thread VAR Vote.
    Who says they were correct? Look at Chelsea vs Arsenal earlier in the season. Not too dis-similar incident that onfield referee said no...
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    Runner Ref replied to the thread VAR Vote.
    Blimey, you've actually disagreed with a match official. But then you somehow say last night's incident wasn't a C&O error..... Whilst...
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    Runner Ref replied to the thread VAR Vote.
    You're just trying to defends PGMOL, FA and referees for the sake of it now. Reading through other threads, you appear to not allow a...
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    Runner Ref replied to the thread VAR Vote.
    If there are 2 words that don't go together, they would be VAR and consistency!
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    Runner Ref replied to the thread VAR Vote.
    So why not have ex-pro's in the VAR booth? If we' re happy to let them sit on panels, have them in the booth.
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    Runner Ref replied to the thread VAR Vote.
    Yep, exactly. We had a discussion the other week in regards to the appeals panel and how it doesn't make sense that non-referees are in...
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    Runner Ref replied to the thread VAR Vote.
    Those stats are released by the Premier League, of course they'll make then look good. They're in panic mode because of the struggles...
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    Runner Ref reacted to Kes's post in the thread Promotions - Season Ending 2024 with Haha Haha.
    Wish we had a yawning emoji ... 🥱 oh wait, we do ...
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    Runner Ref replied to the thread VAR Vote.
    So how are there still C&O errors being missed? This is my point. Referees will always get things wrong, most if not all people accept...
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    As much as I think things could be improved, of course the tables are based on subjective interpretations. Unless you're marking a maths...
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    Runner Ref replied to the thread VAR Vote.
    So you agree VAR is suited to other sports other than football? Kind of proves my point.......:rolleyes: So a one off decision took a...
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    Runner Ref reacted to es1's post in the thread VAR Vote with Like Like.
    this this and a thousand times this
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    In an ideal world, this would be the case. But even then, the outcome can be manipulated how they like. If it was 100% based on merit...
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    Runner Ref replied to the thread VAR Vote.
    What would a definition or example of C&O be for you?