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    • J
      jasper.f reacted to one's post in the thread Whistles with Like Like.
      Started with Fox 40, used for a couple of years. Then used sonic blast for about 5 years and moved to Valkeen. I have tried tornado and...
    • J
      jasper.f reacted to JamesL's post in the thread Dodgy lines with Like Like.
      Based on the pic maybe stick to reffing 😉 But more to reiterate this game simply should not have gone ahead!!
    • J
      jasper.f reacted to JamesL's post in the thread Dodgy lines with Like Like.
      Afraid we're just not playing this game. Only outcome, really. Unless someone comes and can mark out a pitch properly and we have enough...
    • J
      jasper.f reacted to RefereeX's post in the thread Got refused my first handshake with Like Like.
      This. Don't go round shaking hands. Stand still and let them people who wish to shake your hand come to you. It'll lead to alot less...
    • J
      jasper.f reacted to Big Cat's post in the thread Use of whistle with Like Like.
      Doubt changing the whistle will make any difference Only use the whistle to restart on those occasions indicated in the guidance section...
    • J
      jasper.f reacted to one's post in the thread Thinking of throwing in the towel with Like Like.
      Key is not to take it personal even though they have tried to make it so. You have followed all the right processes and made all the...
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