GraemeS's latest activity

  • GraemeS
    GraemeS reacted to RustyRef's post in the thread Clear daylight offside with Like Like.
    It would risk killing football as a spectacle. Defenders wouldn't be able to hold a high line so would have to drop off. It would...
  • GraemeS
    GraemeS replied to the thread Man U v Arsenal.
    Ah, so it's a case of money triumphing over player welfare then? Mystery solved....
  • GraemeS
    GraemeS reacted to Russell Jones's post in the thread VAR Vote with Like Like.
    I agree that greater transparency is helpful. And extending the 'Webb' show to weekly for example, allowing for more decisions (good...
  • GraemeS
    Because the merit in refereeing is subjective. A lot of observers are white male and old, so they subconsciously will favour and be more...
  • GraemeS
    GraemeS reacted to Runner Ref's post in the thread VAR Vote with Like Like.
    Sometimes you have to take 2 steps backwards to take 1 step forwards. VAR has been a complete and utter disaster. This isn't a PGMOL...
  • GraemeS
    GraemeS replied to the thread VAR Vote.
    Fair, but again, it was ballsed up by a complete misunderstanding from the people implementing them as to what the point of doing this...
  • GraemeS
    GraemeS replied to the thread Man U v Arsenal.
    I saw the same. None of which explains what the ditch couldn't be filled in, or some kind of mezzanine-like surface built over the ditch...
  • GraemeS
    GraemeS reacted to Runner Ref's post in the thread VAR Vote with Like Like.
    Challenge-based system Challenge-based system Challenge-based system Challenge-based system Challenge-based system
  • GraemeS
    GraemeS replied to the thread VAR Vote.
    Yeah, that too.
  • GraemeS
    GraemeS replied to the thread VAR Vote.
    I think VAR is a good idea in principal, I think we're still stuck with a poor version of it. I've said before, but it baffles me that...
  • GraemeS
    GraemeS reacted to RustyRef's post in the thread VAR Vote with Like Like.
    It needs 14 of the 20 clubs to vote for it, so very unlikely to happen. There's an argument to say it would be very dis-advantageous...
  • GraemeS
    GraemeS reacted to OnlyUseMeWhistle's post in the thread VAR Vote with Like Like.
    People will call for it to come back the second a goal is wrongly awarded or ruled out... I think bring in semi-automated offsides like...
  • GraemeS
    GraemeS replied to the thread Huge bold move - NOT.
    As well as all the above valid concerns, I'm also wary of anything that gives captains too much legitimacy. McGinn was giving Hooper an...
  • GraemeS
    GraemeS replied to the thread Hanging up whistle.
    I would also consider doing less might help. When I was going for 4 I found the experience really gruelling - doing a game most...
  • GraemeS
    GraemeS replied to the thread Man U v Arsenal.
    When United get the builders in to fix the roof, they also need to fill in that moat while they're at it! One of the most dangerous...