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      ramref replied to the thread Coach fake name.
      Thanks very much, i've found stuff like this is very rare for me and it doesn't seem to affect me because i know a fully grown man...
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      ramref replied to the thread Coach fake name.
      I'm 15 and i've been refereeing since the start of this season.
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      ramref posted the thread Coach fake name in Match Incidents.
      U12 game today. Red team were losing and getting agitated, I had already sin binned 2 players for swearing at me. Red goalkeeper was...
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      ramref replied to the thread Abuse out of nowhere.
      Good - i find most problem managers have a history of poor behaviour so if it's a repeat offense he might be in for some bigger sanctions
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      ramref replied to the thread Abuse out of nowhere.
      Personally that's a yellow for me - however if you feel particularly offended by it it's right to dismiss. What he said after though...
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