Jagielka Red card?

The Monk

New Member
Level 5 Referee
Does anyone else think Martin Atkinson got it wrong with only a yellow for the pen in the Everton Swansea game?
A&H International
While the Laws suggest slightly otherwise, the general instruction thus far is to start with caution, unless the incident is DOGSO-H, or SFP, or VC, or involves pushing, pulling, holding, etc.

In short, there seems to be a big push for "just caution, unless your hand is seriously forced by the idiocy of the player."
In this case, there was actually a clipped ankle as well -- and that's almost certainly where the ref's attention was focused at that point in time.
In this case, there was actually a clipped ankle as well
Maybe, but as I recall it (and I don't have access to a video so this is just from memory) even if he caught the back of the opponent's ankle/calf it was in the process of running into/pushing him from behind and at no time did Jagielka even attempt to hook his leg around the opponent in an attempt to play the ball, nor was there any realistic chance of him playing the ball.

Since the law says if should be a red if "The offending player does not attempt to play the ball or there is no
possibility for the player making the challenge to play the ball ..." then I still think this should have been a sending-off.