So close


RefChat Addict
Well I was due to have my first middle in two months tomorrow, but have had to cry off due to illness.

It's very frustrating, I missed some pretty season games due to illness, then after two games I was injured.

I've done a couple of lines, and have 3 lines in six days the week after next.

But it does feel like the fates are conspiring against me.
A&H International
Tell me about it, three matches, two calf pulls! Next likely match, end of November......
I'm in a similar boat as well - rolled my right ankle towards the end of last season, spent the summer doing physio to strengthen it up again. Go OK for a few months, but managed to do exactly the same thing to my other ankle again at the start of October. Had to wait for an X-ray to check no bone damage and therefore only just started physio again, so will be December until I'm back out there.
I'm in a similar boat as well - rolled my right ankle towards the end of last season, spent the summer doing physio to strengthen it up again. Go OK for a few months, but managed to do exactly the same thing to my other ankle again at the start of October. Had to wait for an X-ray to check no bone damage and therefore only just started physio again, so will be December until I'm back out there.
May want to consider kino tape to support the ankle during and after games
Strength is not the problem, flexibility is, having to stretch muscles, tendons etcetera to prevent pulls. Probably affected by having a season out for xc running.
Heel raises and heel drops then. It tackles both. Go t'foot of your stairs, stand straight up on the bottom one with the ball of your foot on the edge of the step, raise as high as you can, drop as low as you can. Do that 10 times, 3 or 4 times a day for a fortnight and it should make a difference.
been doing those for a couple of years, having to do static stretches. Heel and sole flat on floor, bend knee forward, hold 30 seconds, repeat each heel at least twice.
I know the injury problems all too well.

Was fine all through last season, but 3 games into this season and I end up sidelined with "runners knee".

Been seeing the physio and doing lots of remedial weight training to strengthen the calf, quads, and hamstrings. and plenty of stretching.

I find it really frustrating being sidelined with injury, and this isnt helped by 12 years in the Infantry, where unless your leg is hanging off then there's nothing wrong with you.

Hopefully another weeks rest will improve my knee even more, and plenty of line appointments will keep me in the zone so to speak.

However, I'm confident that I will manage to get another 12 matches and one observation in for my promotion before the end of the season.

Other than that all I need is the average club marks, but as long as I give my best in each game that is out of my hands.

One thing I will be trying is hitting the gym for a cool down and stretch after games where possible, and reducing the number of games I do.