Everton vs Palace Lukaku Freekick

Jacob Walukiewicz

Active Member
Free kick given on the edge of the box for high foot, Alan Smith seems to think the controversy comes when Jagielka brings his hands up to protect him self from the high boot, but I believe that the offence of the high foot comes first and is therefore punished by Jon Moss. However I believe it should have been an indirect free kick as the foot did not make contact with the players head... Lukaku scored directly from the free kick... goal given. Please correct me if I'm wrong, it is very possible I am.
A&H International
Free kick given on the edge of the box for high foot, Alan Smith seems to think the controversy comes when Jagielka brings his hands up to protect him self from the high boot, but I believe that the offence of the high foot comes first and is therefore punished by Jon Moss. However I believe it should have been an indirect free kick as the foot did not make contact with the players head... Lukaku scored directly from the free kick... goal given. Please correct me if I'm wrong, it is very possible I am.

I have just posted a thread at the same time as your good self and I do hope this is picked up by his bosses at PGMOL. I too would have had my arm in the air as if directing traffic :)
I have just posted a thread at the same time as your good self and I do hope this is picked up by his bosses at PGMOL. I too would have had my arm in the air as if directing traffic :)
Trying to explain to my dad at the minute why Moss should have not only seen it but noticed that the player didn't go down holding his head. I think it was clear contact was not made, he seems to think that Moss may have missed it.
Trying to explain to my dad at the minute why Moss should have not only seen it but noticed that the player didn't go down holding his head. I think it was clear contact was not made, he seems to think that Moss may have missed it.

To be fair, Mr Moss is getting good at missing things it seems. How you'd miss that Jagielka wasn't gushing blood or missing any teeth though is something only he can explain :)