Refereeing by Reaction

Funny as I've been told by every assessor (bar none) to be on the goal line when using CARs
It's obviously a Hertfordshire thing. My experience when being assessed from 7 to 6 to 5 is exactly the same as yours. But obviously only works if you have the pace to keep up with a quick break. So, surprise, surprise, advice varies from county to county .... :rolleyes:
A&H International
I think the key thing about corner positioning is that you're in that position for a reason. In other words, why are you taking the position that you are - what is it you're looking for?

I tend to agree that it's about risk - but also about knowledge of the game. If the first three corners have gone to the front post you might well want to adjust position to see what's happening there and take the chance that it goes back post. If the corner taker is swinging it in towards the keeper you might want to be closer to the keeper/CF to see if he's being blocked and take the risk of the big clearance upfield.

The other key thing for me is movement - as soon as the ball's in the air I try to make sure I'm wide enough (or deep enough) to see clearly where it's going to drop and, ideally, where the next phase of play might be. I'm therefore moving immediately, either closer to the goal line, wider, or out towards the edge of the box in order to keep the players and ball in view. That said, by definition you can't be everywhere at once and I do get caught out (including missing penalty shouts and even the ball off the goal line from memory) - but we can but try!
Think Sharpy is from Barnet originally but Mr Graham Poll currently lives in Tring I believe!
Both are Tring, it's how Mr Sharp met the future (and then former) Mrs Sharp, also known as Miss Poll......! (Phil may have moved since I last saw him 2+ years ago)
Graham still involved with Tring youth football & cricket, Phil often in attendance at Spartan meetings held at TAFC as well as watching HFA officials throughout the County...but definitely when at TAFC!
There is no right or wrong position when you're on your own as far as I'm concerned. I do prefer a deeper position to monitor goal/no goal decisions but give myself a good "escape route" if the ball is cleared. This way you can get a good angle to make decisions even if you're not up there.

Advice for the OP though, once you have awarded the goal and there seems to be controversy quickly get yourself across the halfway line away from the complaints. It doesn't always work but worth a try.
Advice for the OP though, once you have awarded the goal and there seems to be controversy quickly get yourself across the halfway line away from the complaints. It doesn't always work but worth a try.
Honestly, from my position, I didn't even initially realise it was a controversial goal! I started waking back towards the half way line, fishing my notebook out of my pocket and suddenly 5 big guys in yellow were sprinting towards me!
Whenever I do not have neutral assistants, I always stand facing the backs of the players. From my experience, you can see more clearly what is going on. Also I keep an eye on the AR just in case I miss anything. With NARs I stand facing them. A lot of the club ones I work with are a bit dodgy!!!