Are really going to send that in?


Must be said home forward player very selfish on the ball, once he got it he was a one man attacking force wanting to be the hero and score the goal.Of course the defence realised this quite quickly and he had 2-3 defenders on him all the time(he never scored,or got the chance to)During one of his rampant raids he was being challenged by a defender, shoulder to shoulder challenge which i thought fair. He stopped dead in his tracks and said " Where's my f****** free kick then i never f****** get one," That earned him a yellow. Gave him the good old "remember you are on a caution blah! blah!" As he was walking backwards away from me he stares at me and says "Call yourself a referee, f****** useless wan***" Calls him back second yellow and he's gone , bearing in mind his team was winning 9-3. Manager approaches me at full time and asks what happened and then says to me "The player said he didn't see the first yellow" I said to the manager " Did you see it?" He said "yes" so i replied" Well your player was standing right in front of me giving his name and number, so he did see it" so off he goes. Then i get approached by a parent(not the player's) " are you really going to send that in i always ask cause you never know you might not" I told him in the 11 years i have been refereeing i have never not sent in a booking. He then proceeded to tell me last weeks ref said he wouldn't be sending it in :(:mad::(
A&H International
What a mess one idiot creates. I would have gone straight red for the second comment, but you got him off the pitch, which he deserved for his behaviour.

When asked about sending in cards I have one phrase I use now; everything gets sent in and if I thought for one second you were asking me not to send in a card, I would have no choice but to also send in a misconduct report. That's not what you asking is it?

Nobody has ever been dumb enough to carry it on past that.
I actually have a lot of sympathy for any manager who's players have got themselves cautioned/sent off. They're in a difficult situation, as failing to ask a referee means you might miss out on someone who won't send it in, and you also know that every other manager in the league will ask, so you're putting your team at a disadvantage if you don't.

My usual response is to almost "mishear" if someone from the management team comes up after the match to talk about cards I gave out - rather than answer the question of "if" it will be sent in, I answer "what" will be sent in. I'll calmly discuss the incidents with them and explain very clearly what each card was for and/or what I'll be writing in any dismissal report. Making it very clear that a report will be going in, but avoiding having to have a frank discussion about refereeing/managing ethics. Usually does the job without even having to raise the possibility of a misconduct report.
I am not sure about your first point here Graeme, are you suggesting that managers should ask?

I had a game two weeks ago with a man off on either side. One of the managers came into my dressing room after the game and told me that he had agreed it with the other team that they are happy for both reds to be put in as yellows cos its no skin off my nose is it. He very quickly left when I threatened to report and to be fair the secretary came in later on and apologised and gave him a bit of a rollocking as he was also his dad!!!
I am not sure about your first point here Graeme, are you suggesting that managers should ask?

I had a game two weeks ago with a man off on either side. One of the managers came into my dressing room after the game and told me that he had agreed it with the other team that they are happy for both reds to be put in as yellows cos its no skin off my nose is it. He very quickly left when I threatened to report and to be fair the secretary came in later on and apologised and gave him a bit of a rollocking as he was also his dad!!!
I'm saying that I understand why managers feel that they might miss out if they don't ask.

As I also said, it's not difficult to make it clear that you intend to submit everything properly, but I'm not sure at the level I'm working at that jumping straight to threatening reports is necessary.
Can see you being tripped up as some point - "explain what I'll be putting in my report". They'll remember what you said, to the word and if your report is anything less or more than that, see the appeal fly in.

As a manager I'd be listening for every word you use, and use it against you.

Are you sending that in - yes I am, as I said before the game. What you going to put? - I'll describe what I saw and actions taken.
That's a fair point, but I do try not to be too specific - literally listing which category the offences come under, so they know how big a fine/long a ban to expect.
I am not sure about your first point here Graeme, are you suggesting that managers should ask?

I had a game two weeks ago with a man off on either side. One of the managers came into my dressing room after the game and told me that he had agreed it with the other team that they are happy for both reds to be put in as yellows cos its no skin off my nose is it. He very quickly left when I threatened to report and to be fair the secretary came in later on and apologised and gave him a bit of a rollocking as he was also his dad!!!
I would have reported it anyway
That's a fair point, but I do try not to be too specific - literally listing which category the offences come under, so they know how big a fine/long a ban to expect.
Just say what the offence was and leave it at that. if he wants more detail tell him it will be in the copy of the report he can see on Whole Game later that afternoon/evening/when you do your report
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Must be said home forward player very selfish on the ball, once he got it he was a one man attacking force wanting to be the hero and score the goal.Of course the defence realised this quite quickly and he had 2-3 defenders on him all the time(he never scored,or got the chance to)During one of his rampant raids he was being challenged by a defender, shoulder to shoulder challenge which i thought fair. He stopped dead in his tracks and said " Where's my f****** free kick then i never f****** get one," That earned him a yellow. Gave him the good old "remember you are on a caution blah! blah!" As he was walking backwards away from me he stares at me and says "Call yourself a referee, f****** useless wan***" Calls him back second yellow and he's gone , bearing in mind his team was winning 9-3. Manager approaches me at full time and asks what happened and then says to me "The player said he didn't see the first yellow" I said to the manager " Did you see it?" He said "yes" so i replied" Well your player was standing right in front of me giving his name and number, so he did see it" so off he goes. Then i get approached by a parent(not the player's) " are you really going to send that in i always ask cause you never know you might not" I told him in the 11 years i have been refereeing i have never not sent in a booking. He then proceeded to tell me last weeks ref said he wouldn't be sending it in :(:mad::(

Caution for calling you a w***ker? C'mon now!!
What a mess one idiot creates. I would have gone straight red for the second comment, but you got him off the pitch, which he deserved for his behaviour.

When asked about sending in cards I have one phrase I use now; everything gets sent in and if I thought for one second you were asking me not to send in a card, I would have no choice but to also send in a misconduct report. That's not what you asking is it?

Nobody has ever been dumb enough to carry it on past that.

Part of me wants to poke the person asking the question's will like poking a hornets nest with a big pointy stick.

'You don't want me to send them in? Why not?'

Perhaps hearing themselves plead a ridiculous case they may realise it is pointless, and I save next weeks' ref the hassle.