Sam allerdice


Wished I started this when I was younger
Level 7 Referee
i have just watched match of the day and big Sam said that if a goalkeeper is off the ground all it needs is a little knock and it's a foul. I can't see that in the LOTG. What's the guidelines on this? Is he right or just another manager who hasn't a clue on the laws ?
A&H International
This could be one of those really rare occasions when a manager is talking (a little) sense. If ANY player, not just a goalkeeper, is completely off the ground then a small nudge on them could easily be a lot more dangerous than the same nudge when both feet on the ground. Therefore that kind of contact is, IMO, more likely to be careless, reckless etc than in other circumstances.

And, for this reason, I'd have called as a foul the incident he was referring to
Looked to me like Berhaniho kicked it of his hands after the aerial challenge took place.
When he was in charge of Bolton, Newcastle, Blackburn and West Ham this was all fair play when his side were attacking. Medicine tastes bitter.
I personally think that Big Sam was right in what he said, Berahino turns his back into the keeper and then kicks it out of his hands (like the way Shearer disagreed on MOTD though)
And of course Tony Pulis, always quick to criticise referees when decisions go against his team, just said 'I'm sure the pundits in the studio will pull that incident apart"!

Fair play to officials for making the brave call on this one - very easy to penalise any challenge on the GK - very rarely do people complain about it.
It's often said that goalkeepers get to much protection but I disagree. Given their height, supplemented by outsetreched arms often they are going for a ball that the challenging player has absolutely no hope of reaching. On this basis almost any challenge on the goalkeeper is a foul.
This reminds me of an incident that occured a few weeks ago;

Cross came in from the right, was travelling quite fast towards the goal. Goalkeeper likely to win the ball and is setting up to punch away in a crowded area, striker bravely goes in to challenge for it, keeper obviously now in the air but striker wins the ball and heads wide. Keepers momentum carries him into the player. I award a goal kick

Obviously everyone from the attacking team shouting "that's a penalty ref, he's clearly fouled him!" with a few comments of "if he did that in the middle of the park it would be a free kick".

One player received a caution for his protests

I still maintain it was no foul but where do others stand with this?
For me:
  • if the ball is still in play when the contact is made = penalty
  • if the ball has left the FOP = goal kick
It's harder to sell than a 'similar' foul elsewhere on the pitch that players are more likely to accept and get on with the game (because of where it is) ... one could read this as any other type of uncontrolled reckless in-the-air challenge

As an aside - I've learnt to not hang around the incident area inviting dissent - if you're awarding the goal kick - signal - sell it - then get out of dodge - let them chunter and calm down with you out of the way
For me:
  • if the ball is still in play when the contact is made = penalty

Striker has won the ball and contact is made afterwards as the ball is leaving the FOP, no way goalkeeper could stop

I would have given the penalty had the striker been impeded but it was a collision caused by player momentum!

I have always wondered though, would the attacking team have appealed if a goal had been scored, of course not!
It's the risk of momentum towards a player in a 'tackle area' ... uncontrolled movement (in the air, too fast, etc.) carries a high risk of impact

A player could equally win the ball and then carry on in an opposition player ... foul ..?
I would have given the penalty had the striker been impeded but it was a collision caused by player momentum!
I'm with @Alex71 on this one. If ball is clearly in the FOP then penalty all day long (plus YC or RC if obviously reckless or endangering striker's safety).

Bob, a 'collision' where one player plays the ball and the other one doesn't is a foul by any other name :). Fact that ball is leaving the FOP is irrelevant to the foul unless it actually leaves before contact is made. Only thing it does do is remove any chance of DOGSO for the foul!
Interesting feedback and some food for thought

So hypothetically speaking reversing the roles had the keeper won the ball fairly and the strikers momentum carried him into the keeper, it would be a foul awarded to the keeper and a YC/RC if obviously reckless or endangering the keepers safety?
Tough call to give a penalty in a situation like that. Probably gotta be a challenge that's "more than careless," if you know what I mean, and this one doesn't sound that bad, as you say it looked like he should get there first.
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