Need to vent...


Politically Incorrect
Feel the need to vent a bit after a game this afternoon, and this seems the safest place to do so.

Ladies game, open age. Done the home team (red) quite a few times, but first time for away (blue).

Always had a good relationship with home manager and coach, and generally always have good games in this league.

Today though after about 40 minutes coach on home side is constantly loudly giving shouts of 'we're getting nothing here ref', despite the fact I'd allowed a marginal offside to his teams advantage (which they scored), played an excellent advantage for his team (which they scored) and spotted a shirt pull on the edge of the box, which I thought was a good spot to be fair (which his team scored from).

But they've had nothing?

The only thing of any note I could see that had perhaps gone against his team was a marginal offside which I called as player was in line and blue scored from the resulting attack (albeit from some shocking defending).

Half time was 3-1 to home team.

Second half continued very much the same way, constant moaning when offside was given against his players, even if they were yards and yards offside and it was clear to everyone.

At one point on about 75 minutes he said to one of the parents on the line loudly for my benefit 'We've not had one of these offsides in our favour all game. Not one. Ridiculous.'

I gave him the Collina death stare and he shut straight up, heard nothing for the rest of the game.

I must say nothing in my opinion warranted a word or misconduct report.

Afterwards as we complete the paperwork I made a point of asking him what his problem was in a jokey way, with plenty of witnesses in earshot. 'Gave me an unusually hard time on that side today Dave didn't you?'. All I got in reply was an upwards nod of the head and he looked away.

As I signed the match report I saw he'd still given me 85/100, so can't be that bad.

After I got changed and walked past them, he said, 'guess we'll see you again then eh?'

I kept my reply and body language confident and went back to my car.

What is the problem with these people?
A&H International
Get used to it, this kind of behaviour won't even register once you've gained more experience.
The man in black is the focal point of everything that goes wrong in the game, not his tactics, not his players, not the opposition just the man in the middle.

Easier to blame the referee than anyone else.

Since I posted this I had a shower, sorted my kit out, played some games with the kids and sat down to put my cautions for the game through on WGS.

Then it clicked.

There were two cautions in the game, blue for foul tackle, then red captain for AAA - she pushed down the blue in response to the foul that earned blue a caution.

And the red captain that earnt the caution is the coaches daughter.

Predictably the moaning started straight after that.

Case solved and Colombo can go home!

What can you do mate, you do your job properly and regardless some idiots will always find an axe to grind.
Fair enough @RegalRef but you understand where I'm coming from , your last performance is the benchmark they set for your next .....good or bad

Yeah I get what you mean. I make a conscious effort to not get too familiar with any managers despite how often I see them or how hospitable they may be.

Of course some make it very easy indeed not to!
Ah @Beezer! You must have had the same issue as me! Coach gave me stick and the large youth league I'm on appoint 2 or more weeks in advance and i knew i had them again for theirnect home game. I contacted the appointments sec and asked to do a different game that day. Got demoted to u10s for 6 weeks!
Ah @Beezer! You must have had the same issue as me! Coach gave me stick and the large youth league I'm on appoint 2 or more weeks in advance and i knew i had them again for theirnect home game. I contacted the appointments sec and asked to do a different game that day. Got demoted to u10s for 6 weeks!

Why would you want to avoid them just because the manager is a dick?

Nothing better than the look on their face when you turn up and they realise that they've got you again.......
Why would you want to avoid them just because the manager is a dick?

Nothing better than the look on their face when you turn up and they realise that they've got you again.......
I was appointed to a Thursday night Final recently and also one of the finalists 2 days later on the Saturday ....I did ask the Ref Sec to swap me and he duly obliged with almost 70 teams in the league this was a possible situation that is easily avoidable
Why would you want to avoid them just because the manager is a dick?

Nothing better than the look on their face when you turn up and they realise that they've got you again.......

Exactly, get back on the horse.

I have before asked to go back to a team the following week after I got a lot of stick. Had a great game, won some respect for showing some balls and got to enjoy them squirm before hand when I told them 'now we won't be having any of that nonsense we had last week'.

That alone was worth ten times more than the match fee to me!
It was a double edged thing to be honest, i was the only ref being asked to do a 30 mile round trip to ref this team when there were other refs who hadn't been there all of this or last season. I didn't see how it was fair.