Junior/Youth mercy whistle...

richard ramjane

RefChat Addict
last sunday i had an U15 match, clarets v reds, reds turning up with just 10 players
we kicked off and lets just say it was pretty one sided , 9-0 at half time
with 20 mins left on the watch, reds manager called me over and asked me if i could blow up early, to which i said that i understood the situation and the kids were really down but i couldnt play any less than the 40 minutes allocated for the half, the best i could do is not stop the watch for added time, which he took in good grace
2 minutes later he had to take a player off injured... i was unclear whether or not to hint to him that if 3 more players got injured then they would be down to 6, and we all know what happens then... at this point it was 16-0 by the way, so i just said "ok, so you are now down to 9..." and left him with that thought
if i had out and out said to him, if you take 3 more off then we can stop, would i have been potentially up for any backlash from county?
clarets actually responded by taking two players off sportingly, but still managed to score another 4
A&H International
NEVER stop a match early regardless of what the score is. If it is a friendly and everyone wants to finish fair enough but never for a competitive game. Also never tell a manager they could take 3 players off and the match could be abandoned. The manager is entitled to take them off if they want to but then the match would be abandoned which you would need to report the reasons why. In this situation the FA would ask the team to explain why they took the players off. They could then say you had told them to do it then you will be in big trouble with your county FA.
NEVER stop a match early regardless of what the score is. If it is a friendly and everyone wants to finish fair enough but never for a competitive game. Also never tell a manager they could take 3 players off and the match could be abandoned. The manager is entitled to take them off if they want to but then the match would be abandoned which you would need to report the reasons why. In this situation the FA would ask the team to explain why they took the players off. They could then say you had told them to do it then you will be in big trouble with your county FA.
brilliant, thanks very much, first time i'd had that situation so had to think on my feet a bit and i did the correct thing
as @LC has said - don't stop the game, id have done the same thing - play with no stoppage of the clock.

although of course, they could have thrown the game and all walked? but its better to take it as a training match and try to knock it around in my opinion.

score like that wouldn't matter - it would get recorded as a walk over too
Was there actually any suggestion that the red team were deliberately trying to reduce numbers to force an abandonment?
Was there actually any suggestion that the red team were deliberately trying to reduce numbers to force an abandonment?
Absolutely none whatsoever. Like I say it was all in good spirit I just had a moment where my empathy with the manager gave me a second or two of indecision There was no issue with either manager in fact , claret manager took two players off to even the nbers up as a gesture
The point to my post was seeking clarification as to whether , had I chosen to remind red manager of the minimum player law would that have left me open to punishment from county.
I have to admit one particularly cold winter Sunday I called a game 15 mins early with a similar score to above... The ball went for a throw and both managers asked me to call it and I mercifully agreed.
if i had out and out said to him, if you take 3 more off then we can stop, would i have been potentially up for any backlash from county?
clarets actually responded by taking two players off sportingly, but still managed to score another 4

I would think the potential is there. But that team could potentially face fines or other disciplinary issues as well. Personally, that would be the bigger issue - if you had a quiet word with the manager nobody else would know what you said, but the last thing you want is to get them in strife.
I have to admit one particularly cold winter Sunday I called a game 15 mins early with a similar score to above... The ball went for a throw and both managers asked me to call it and I mercifully agreed.
This case is slightly different. You were considering the well-being of the players and called off due to conditions. Technically, still an abandonment but normally the league will allow the result to stand.

Only shorten a competitive match due to weather / pitch conditions.
I once stopped an u13 match 15 minutes early It was winter in freezing cold with rain lashing down and the score at 12-1. Both managers agreed that we stop it early. I could probably have got in trouble with the CFA if they had found out. but i don't regret it as no one was enjoying that match and one of the keepers almost got hypothermia. If i hadn't had dry clothes and a hot drink in my car i may very well had caught a cold injury myself. i was shivering in my car for about 15 minutes afterwards even with the heating on full blast
Because that was when it was posted and I was a little tired and emotional that day after being at an Alice Cooper/Motley Crue gig in Manchester the night before. My response probably would have been "emotional". Instead it's just meh...
You a bit of a rocker Brian?