After saying it never happened... It happened

Gary Milton

Level 7 Referee
First time I saw and dealt with the keeper releasing the ball from his possession and picking it up again... He and his manager went mad... manager claiming I was different league... which despite intent as insult I took as a compliment (tongue in cheek) ... you didn't give the back pass ( aka The miscontol which happened to go to the keeper) so you can't give that he said... bemusing...

Nice to deal with new incidents. Keeps you on your toes!
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A&H International
4 years still.not had a clear one to give.

Did have my first RC for S7 over the weekend though. Again - keeps you on your toes.
@HRW four years for me and I'm the same. I came close this weekend, really close. Defender was on a yellow and moaning about a freekick and I literally thought one more word and he's walking but he buttoned it.

After speaking to many locals refs it appears that not maylny speak to teams before a game ( league is no assistants so just you) but just get there, call captains in and off we go.

I use my 30 seconds to show that I'm human and tell all what I expect - so everyone is on the same foot

Telling captains in the middle doesn't get the message out to the players.

I might be too thick skinned but average 1.2 yellow a game and a 3 reds a season.
After speaking to many locals refs it appears that not maylny speak to teams before a game ( league is no assistants so just you) but just get there, call captains in and off we go.

I use my 30 seconds to show that I'm human and tell all what I expect - so everyone is on the same foot

Telling captains in the middle doesn't get the message out to the players.

I have stated a number of times on here my opinion about these 'prep-talks'. I recommend referees not to do it (although it does work for some, and everyone is entitled to their opinion), it looks cringeworthy, players don't listen, and you set yourself up for avoidable dissent / tripping yourself over, before the game has even started.

"Referee: I let the game flow" - stops the game, as there is no real advantage. "Player: Ref that was shocking, you said you would let the game flow!". Is just an example.
Depends what you say. I make no entire of will do this that or the other or how I will do thing.

Maybe I could drop my schpeel to you for your thoughts - as a senior ref and assessor.
I'm with @drahc I never give a pre match chat to the players. I know some do it and it works for them. I also find it a bit awkward having all the players attention like that.

@HRW if you're so kind I wouldnt mind reading what you say as I havent really found anything I see the point of saying prematch, but always open to new ideas.
Gave up pre-match chats with players.
Once they cross the line it goes right out the window. Time better spent checking jewelry and kit.
I used to be a big advocate of the "pre-match spiel" - these days its condensed right down to when doing jewellery check (and they're facing me) to warning I don't want to hear bad language (depending upon pitch location - if we're in the middle of nowhere don't even bother with that). I do have a spiel though for September, when I really enjoy doing some U11's when its their first games they will have played with offside. That normally goes along the lines of making the players aware that the flags are there for my benefit, not theirs (normally ask the question, "What do you do when the flag goes up", to which the answer is usually "stop"), and also checking if they understand what the meaning of me raising an arm at a free-kick is - basic stuff that never gets taught by coaches: just something really rewarding about those first, few "innocent" games...