County FA and leagues

Callum Ward

New Member
Level 8 Referee
I am currently registered with Lancashire FA and only referee in one league. Due to a lack of games I would like to register with other leagues to referee more games and to gain experience. Another league I am looking at is based in the Southport area (Merseyside) although there are teams from Ormskirk in it (Lancashire). Would I be able to register with this league? Thanks
A&H International
I can't see there being an issue, the league I'm on has teams from Leicestershire FA, Derbyshire FA, Staffordshire FA and Birmingham FA!!
Alright, thanks. Also if I get allocated a match for one league do I just tell the other leagues secretary that I am unavailable instead of e-mailing the FA's closed dates?
best way is to say to league A i'm free the first and third saturday, the other league the second and fourth. that way you know where you stand.

If league a dont have a game for you on the first or third, then you can go back to league B and "open" a date you had closed.

If you leave both leagues open for the same day, and they email you with and hour of each other, but you dont check your emails for 3 hours, you've got to tell one that you are closing a date, after they have assigned you a game = bad reputation for dropping out.
As for the county - if you close a date with the county, you can not do ANY games for ANYONE as County takes priority.

ie You have 18th open to League A, but closed to League B.

League A says you dont have a game on 18th; you contact league B and say "im opening up 18th as im free if you need me."

League B give you a gave - hunky dory.

Then on Thursday the County give you a game on 18th - you accept the county game, forward the appointment to League B apologising that you have to drop their game as CFA have given you a Game.

What you can NOT do is tell the COunty - thanks but no thanks, I;ve got a League game. well you can, but lets call it refereeing suicide.

But if you have the 18th closed with the COUNTY, you MUST have it closed with the leagues.

Best way is get a calender / wall planner / diary and put three lines / columns = County at the top, League A and League B.

If you cross out and close a COUNTY, then close the other 2 also, and or alternate you other leagues.

Generally County will be for cup games, which will be sproadic between Aug and Jan, then as they move throught to QF, SF an F in MArch, April and May. YOu;ll get an idea if you are getting / earnt any of these.

Think i've had 3 County cup games per season, but County also have to assing assistants to the PL U16, U18 and U21, if that floats your boat (think LFA, Everton youth teams etc)
best way is to say to league A i'm free the first and third saturday, the other league the second and fourth. that way you know where you stand.

If league a dont have a game for you on the first or third, then you can go back to league B and "open" a date you had closed.

If you leave both leagues open for the same day, and they email you with and hour of each other, but you dont check your emails for 3 hours, you've got to tell one that you are closing a date, after they have assigned you a game = bad reputation for dropping out.
As for the county - if you close a date with the county, you can not do ANY games for ANYONE as County takes priority.

ie You have 18th open to League A, but closed to League B.

League A says you dont have a game on 18th; you contact league B and say "im opening up 18th as im free if you need me."

League B give you a gave - hunky dory.

Then on Thursday the County give you a game on 18th - you accept the county game, forward the appointment to League B apologising that you have to drop their game as CFA have given you a Game.

What you can NOT do is tell the COunty - thanks but no thanks, I;ve got a League game. well you can, but lets call it refereeing suicide.

But if you have the 18th closed with the COUNTY, you MUST have it closed with the leagues.

Best way is get a calender / wall planner / diary and put three lines / columns = County at the top, League A and League B.

If you cross out and close a COUNTY, then close the other 2 also, and or alternate you other leagues.

Generally County will be for cup games, which will be sproadic between Aug and Jan, then as they move throught to QF, SF an F in MArch, April and May. YOu;ll get an idea if you are getting / earnt any of these.

Think i've had 3 County cup games per season, but County also have to assing assistants to the PL U16, U18 and U21, if that floats your boat (think LFA, Everton youth teams etc)
Pretty close to perfect explanation! Use this as a guide as to how to manage multiple leagues + County!

The only thing incorrect was your final sentence.
County appoint ref & AR for PL/FL u16.
County appoint AR for PL/FL u18 - ref appointed by FA
County appoint no-one for FL u21, unless at main stadium when below applies too
County appoint 4th official for PL u21 (MUST be L4 or above) - FA appoint ref & AR
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Thanks. I can't really see me getting a county game in the near future, my understanding of the closed dates e-mail was you e-mail it when you are unavailable and the referees secretary got the message through to the leagues you are reffing in. Does the closed dates e-mail just close your dates for possible county fixtures? So if I am unavailable do I e-mail the closed dates or do that and tell the leagues separately? Thank you.
Also, just to confirm; because my county FA is Lancashire does that make me unable to referee in areas which come under other county FAs? Thanks.
county cyps you never know!

Treat everyone as individuals. The league are not going to tell leagues you have closed a date and vice versa. Email each and every person to tell them.

County wise you have a parent county and other like second counties. If you are closed for one you are closed for all.

If.you leave every week open they will use you every week. So either state what dates to start with then that you will open up further dates as and when (and maybe not get anything at short notice) or leave a lot open and close out as and when you need to.

Either way it is a good grounding for personal administration!

If you tell everyone, no one doesn't know.
after registering for next season on whole game last night, i'm not sure if any of the advice you have been given so far is correct.....imho
County wise you have a parent county and other like second counties. If you are closed for one you are closed for all.

Surely that can't be right. If, as many refs do, you're away at Uni and have a second county you can be available for one or the other and unavailable for the other...
I am currently registered with Lancashire FA and only referee in one league. Due to a lack of games I would like to register with other leagues to referee more games and to gain experience. Another league I am looking at is based in the Southport area (Merseyside) although there are teams from Ormskirk in it (Lancashire). Would I be able to register with this league? Thanks
Hi Callum,
I too am registered with the Lancashire FA and i am from Preston.I contacted the Preston Referee Society and officiate within the Preston Area and as far as i am aware are looking for referees,and they do give you fixtures near to the area you live when possible, although the season is coming to a close, i contacted the Blackpool referees society and they do not need anymore referees.It would be worth ringing the Lancashire FA and confirm where you stand in different leagues.