The Ref Stop

Open Age What a shocker


Well-Known Member
When players say 'The refs had a shocker' they're usually wrong. However today I really DID have a shocker.

Game started well up to half time - two yellows to away team for dissent and one to the home team for handball (broke up promising attack). After that, gave a free kick, was getting the defending player back 10 yards, while I was doing that the FK taker booted the ball which hit him. Sent him for VC - he thought he could take the free kick! Felt a bit sorry for him at the time. Four YC's later, I'm thinking 'sh*t, wrong decision.' All has been sent to county, but I reckon that was probably wrong. Have a local game tomorrow - if I can have ONE mens game without a card this season, I will be happy. It's been awful so far - Tried taking the advice I got on my man management thread - the away team were on my back too much for it to have an effect. What do you think I should have done in this situation?
The Ref Stop
Did you ask the kicker if he wanted the yardage. If he did, did you signal to the players that it was 'on the whistle'?
I never ask the kicker, I send them 10 yards away regardless unless they want it quick - then its their problem. Said it was on the whistle in the pre match talk.
If you make a bad decision, best thing you can do is try to put it out of your mind (even though its hard), otherwise you get into a negative spiral of worse and worse decision making. I've done it where either you go too lenient on the team that you feel you've wronged or too hard on the other team.
If you make a bad decision, best thing you can do is try to put it out of your mind (even though its hard), otherwise you get into a negative spiral of worse and worse decision making. I've done it where either you go too lenient on the team that you feel you've wronged or too hard on the other team.
Correct. Live in the now. Make the decision, move on. Make the next decision, move on. Make the next one ...
Looking back my game today was OK at best.
Tackles going in and a lot of claims for fouls when legs tackled etc. Greens were moan moan moan.

One terrible tackle by green. 1st YC. Could I have sold a RC - yes - but the tension and everyone getting on my back easier I felt to sell the YC. At the same time the blue kicked out - YC for him. Told me to **** off ref as he is getting treatment. Could I have RC - yes myself and his trainer told him to calm down or it will turn to red - YC for USB - AA.

I am sure the green I cautioned called me a C--T at one point but could not be 100% Certain it was him.

Some many claims and so many fouls it was silly. The fans (family etc) were shouting - heard one person shout "there's two teams on that pitch" my simple reply "THANK YOU".

The green who I cautioned was subsequently RC for 2nd YC for descent

Just one of those teams who love to moan - both teams hated me and said I spoiled the game
Dave , firstly for the 1st red card ....did the kick the ball At ...? the defender or was it a shot ? to send him off you have to be sure he meant it
And maybe with the away team moaning when you booked the first one for dissent you could have brought the captain in , and warned him to warn his players you had set your dissent mark and it was now down to him to sort them out ....A decent captain will do this , but either way they will know whats coming

Sorry not Dave .......Harry lol
@refdave83 sounds like we had the same teams this weekend! Every team has one player who'll moan. But i do wonder how whole teams get together and behave like this? What enjoyment do you get coming out on a Sunday and trudging around a football pitch to question every single decision. It's beyond me.
@refdave83 sounds like we had the same teams this weekend! Every team has one player who'll moan. But i do wonder how whole teams get together and behave like this? What enjoyment do you get coming out on a Sunday and trudging around a football pitch to question every single decision. It's beyond me.
Can't agree more. I reckon the fact that I'm 17 means players are more likely to take the p*ss though!... or is it just an Essex thing? :D
DaveMac said:
@refdave83 sounds like we had the same teams this weekend! Every team has one player who'll moan. But i do wonder how whole teams get together and behave like this? What enjoyment do you get coming out on a Sunday and trudging around a football pitch to question every single decision. It's beyond me.

Sounds like it - on speaking to the ref secretary the greens are just one of those teams
Sorry to hear that Harry - it's awful when you know you've done something that's probably made your afternoon worse than needed! I absolutely agree you shouldn't dwell on it - take one learning point if needs be that will help you in the future.

Personally I'd look again at Haywain's comment - chances are nobody was listening much when you said about 10 yards at the start and you have to repeat yourself over and over (good preparation for being a parent by the way!).

My approach is to get to significant fouls quickly and manage the situation if I can - that might be through telling the attackers it's on the whistle, telling the defenders to back off (or better still, to come back with you as you back away) or just responding to a quick kick, which can have the advantage of getting the players off your back as everyone shouts at them to get back in position. However, if it's round the box unless they take it so quickly I couldn't get there then we're doing it at my pace and ceremoniously!
I booked a lad at the weekend for not retreating 10 yards. He was being lippy, mainly because he said (and I believe him, but didn't see it) after his team had conceded one of the other team threw the ball in his face. But without seeing it I took no action, he ran around for the next few minutes looking for trouble. A free kick for offside I told him to retreat. He did, then as the player took the kick he steps a couple of years forward. So called him over and gave him a yellow. It was soft, and I could have given him another warning, but he was spoiling for trouble so seemed like a good chance to get him in the book rather than potentially causing himself more problems with a heavy challenge or something. It worked as kept his nose clean for the rest of the game.