The Ref Stop

Foul and Abusive Language v Dissent


It's my first ever game on Saturday and i think for the most part 'im pretty well prepared for it. It's only a junior U14 game, but im very excited to start now! My query is what your tolerance level of Foul and Abusive Language and what would you class as Dissent? What would have to be said for you to send a player off rather than book him for dissent? I'm slightly unclear on the diffrence.

The Ref Stop
Thought as much, im not too sure what my tolerance level is yet to be honest. I certainly dont want to find out in a game full of 13 year olds haha :D!

So just for example you get told to F off by a player = Red Card

Get called a 'Joke' = Yellow

Would you see that as fair?
Thought as much, im not too sure what my tolerance level is yet to be honest. I certainly dont want to find out in a game full of 13 year olds haha :D!

So just for example you get told to F off by a player = Red Card

Get called a 'Joke' = Yellow

Would you see that as fair?

Very difficult to get it as black and white as that.....player gets called offside, as I blow he mutters 'f$$k off ref'....same situation except player shouts it at the top of his voice....I would suggest that there are different ways of dealing with it?

2 words guarantee a red card for the word 'cheat' in my direction or the other c word and it'll be an early bath every time.

With experience you will find that you instinctively know which is which. But at U14s I would be surprised if you encountered either from the players....managers and parents quite possibly though.
Welcome to the forum @SionTHFC.

Watch how they swear or use abusive language - In general if the sentence starts "that was..." This will be a talking to or a caution for dissent depending on what is said of course, to who and how loudly. If they start with "You are..." Makes it about the ref and lands in either dissent or OFFINABUS (again dependent on what is said, etc).

Don't worth about it to much. This is a skill that comes good with a little time and experience. Just be prepared for that fact that there is a lot of moaning on a football pitch that you don't notice when your playing, you learn to filter it out.
Also remember (as Supermonkey has referneced) that the laws no longer contain no reference to Foul language, the offence is now OFFensive, INsulting or ABUSive language and/or gestures so as everyone else has said, it is a matter of your own tolerance level, the way in which things are said and the situation in which they are said.

Personally I would add anything racist or homophobic to the two Cs as an almost automatic red.
Sion, as you are over 18 you are the dult there, and the kids are just that - kids. Whe doing youth I take into account what they might shave heard and use in "everyday" use, compared to what they might be saying for the effect. So, would a parent give them a look, a short word, or a bollocking for what they have said? As such you can give them a quick "oi, watch you language, only warning, thank you", yellow or a red accordingly.

Think parent / teacher / grandma - would you or they use that language infront of them respectively?
Remember football is an emotional game. So players might question decisions in what seems an aggressive fashion but it doesn't automatically make it dissent.

Also I agree with those saying it's how things are said. For example two incidents I had at u14 the other week. One player said "Are you mad?" When I blew for him being offside. Another said "oh nice one, we was on the attack" when I blew for half time. The mad comment was said in a way that was totally jokingly as he was about five yards offside. The other comment was drenched in sarcasm and how he delivered it (combined with a few other incidents I'd had with him).

Good luck with your first game and let us know how it goes. You'll very quickly learn your tolerance levels out there. Most of all enjoy it!

Oh just noticed the THFC in your name as well, it's always good to have another lily white on board!
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It's my first ever game on Saturday and i think for the most part 'im pretty well prepared for it. It's only a junior U14 game, but im very excited to start now! My query is what your tolerance level of Foul and Abusive Language and what would you class as Dissent? What would have to be said for you to send a player off rather than book him for dissent? I'm slightly unclear on the diffrence.

welcome sion
some good advice here but you will learn very quickly on what Is or isn't directed at you others players management and spectators the end of the day some thing you can manage some you cannot enjoy your game ;)
Cheers everyone for the advice. I've done a few senior lines so far and yet to encounter any real bad language, maybe Ive been lucky so far haha. Ill let you all know how I get on :)
Anything directed at me in an aggressive manner, would either warrant a word in his ear but publicily or a yellow (depending on the aggression level), anything personal then they're off, but everyone is different, and you will find your tolerance level, i have 6 cautions for dissent last season and 1 red, when he called me a f***ing fat c*** , so funnily enough he had a little walk, he was half right to be fair.

You'll soon learn what is abuse and what is abuse, according to all players it's all frustration, even some refs, having played the game to a good standard for 25 years i can tell the difference.
Under 14's shouldn't be using any foul language ! Also you don't have to be sworn at for it to be red. Fir instance if a player calls me a 'cheat' he is having an early shower !
Under 14's shouldn't be using any foul language ! Also you don't have to be sworn at for it to be red. Fir instance if a player calls me a 'cheat' he is having an early shower !

Hmmm they shouldn't be using foul language, although in reality I dont always find it works out that way.
It one of three things it frustration or two it dissent and I'm cautioning the player and 3 it foul and abusive language and I'm walking them simple as that
My game got called off in the end at 11pm on Friday night, typical! One of the teams couldnt get a team together. Im off to the Etihad this Saturday so have to wait another week for a game :(!
Tolerance level of Foul and Abusive Language

I have seen this questioned asked many many times in the 18 years i have been a Referee, The Laws of the game are clear on this subject and as Referee's we are to enforce the Laws of the Game, we also must remember that Divisions and Age groups make no difference to this Law, and also if the game is in a public park 'we' must remember that Foul and Abusive Language towards anyone is a Criminal Offence, The FA makes the Law very Clear! ;)