The Ref Stop

Kick off time changed by teams


RefChat Addict
Level 3W Referee
County cup game this weekend and the home club have just confirmed by email and stated that both clubs have agreed to move the kick off an hour later.

This hasn’t been updated on the CFA website so not sure if they’ve told the CFA but a quick glance at the rules tells me this isn’t really possible without their approval.

Am I being a jobsworth to flag this with the CFA or am I covering my own back?
The Ref Stop
County cup game this weekend and the home club have just confirmed by email and stated that both clubs have agreed to move the kick off an hour later.

This hasn’t been updated on the CFA website so not sure if they’ve told the CFA but a quick glance at the rules tells me this isn’t really possible without their approval.

Am I being a jobsworth to flag this with the CFA or am I covering my own back?
Cover your own back. Always.
Am I being a jobsworth to flag this with the CFA or am I covering my own back?

If you hadn't flagged it to the CFA and there was trouble, do you think the teams would back you up? More likely, they would say "well, the ref said it was alright so we went ahead with it. It's his fault, really."