Europa League final

A&H International
With the airport drama, are UEFA able to hold anyone responsible or put into place any punishments? Or is that something only FIFA are able to do?
Strangely I've seen a lot of comments saying the behaviour was unnacceptable with Taylor's wife and kids there - presumably if it was just AT being attacked by a mob, it would be fine?

Mad. Absolutely mad.
Don't think I've seen anyone saying it would have been acceptable if he was by himself. They're just saying it makes the behaviour even more reprehensible when the man had his family with him.
With the airport drama, are UEFA able to hold anyone responsible or put into place any punishments? Or is that something only FIFA are able to do?

I don't know if any sanction can be imposed on Roma for the airport debarkle. I hope/wish there was. I think the entirety of the issue stems back to the football pitch and the behaviour or players/staff at the pitch. It was a really ugly game of football and for a grassroots referee, it is actually quite reassuring to see a referee at the top of his game have to work so hard to manage a game.

I actually think the logistics and organisation of AT being able to leave safely is a logistical failure for UEFA and hopefully lessons will be learned from it. If you look back 12 months to the logistics for tickets and Liverpool fans, it is clear that they still have some work to do.
I don't know if any sanction can be imposed on Roma for the airport debarkle. I hope/wish there was. I think the entirety of the issue stems back to the football pitch and the behaviour or players/staff at the pitch. It was a really ugly game of football and for a grassroots referee, it is actually quite reassuring to see a referee at the top of his game have to work so hard to manage a game.

I actually think the logistics and organisation of AT being able to leave safely is a logistical failure for UEFA and hopefully lessons will be learned from it. If you look back 12 months to the logistics for tickets and Liverpool fans, it is clear that they still have some work to do.
Plenty of video to arrest people for assault (which doesn’t require any physical contact). Throw a few of these knuckle-draggers into prison for 3-6 months and let’s see what reaction comes from it.
Thoughts on the four-match UEFA ban for Mourinho? I wish it would have been at least six, as that would have effectively been a ban for the entire group stage of the 2023-24 Europa League. Four is longer than I expected, but I still feel like this type of behavior that then contributed to the assault on Taylor at the airport the next morning needed an even longer suspension.
It's 4 times what a manager would get for a "normal" offence that resulted in a red card. I wasn't really expecting much more, a bit unclear whether it is a touchline ban or a stadium ban though. A touchline ban is totally pointless, they can still be in contact with the bench, still be in the changing room before the game and at half time to coach the team, and still shout abuse at the match officials, just being able to get away with it. When a player is banned they can't take any part in the game, I'd like to see the same for managers and that means stadium bans.