Violent conduct, booking?

You can’t be giving a red card for nipping someone. That’s not violent conduct. Why don’t you just say to him before the game or during the game. If I catch you nipping you’ll be off, puts the doubt in his mind then.
A&H International
You can’t be giving a red card for nipping someone. That’s not violent conduct. Why don’t you just say to him before the game or during the game. If I catch you nipping you’ll be off, puts the doubt in his mind then.
Of course you can. We aren't talking about a little pinch here, I've had it done to me in games and they get a big part of skin and violently twist it, and I can assure you it hurts.
Of course you can. We aren't talking about a little pinch here, I've had it done to me in games and they get a big part of skin and violently twist it, and I can assure you it hurts.
I never said it wouldn’t hurt. There’s hardly any Chance you’d spot it for a start.. corner comes in, players jostling, a player screams and you’re going to red card for a nip. There’s a reason it’s never happened.
I never said it wouldn’t hurt. There’s hardly any Chance you’d spot it for a start.. corner comes in, players jostling, a player screams and you’re going to red card for a nip. There’s a reason it’s never happened.
I'd already said earlier in the thread that it is nigh on impossible for referees to see.
You can’t be giving a red card for nipping someone. That’s not violent conduct. Why don’t you just say to him before the game or during the game. If I catch you nipping you’ll be off, puts the doubt in his mind then.
IMO this is poor advice. So after this you see him doing it. What do you do now? You said you can't send him off. Never tell players something you don't follow through with.
IMO this is poor advice. So after this you see him doing it. What do you do now? You said you can't send him off. Never tell players something you don't follow through with.
Also, if you don't send off expect nipping offences to make a sharp upward trend in frequency in your game
I never said it wouldn’t hurt. There’s hardly any Chance you’d spot it for a start.. corner comes in, players jostling, a player screams and you’re going to red card for a nip. There’s a reason it’s never happened.
Seems like you are trolling. There are strong opinions on here. But, this forum is very welcoming to new characters and especially new referees. However, the trolling doesn’t fly.

Slow down. Does pinching have any place on a football pitch? If you see a player pinch another player with force, how can you justify a verbal warning or yellow card?
Seems like you are trolling. There are strong opinions on here. But, this forum is very welcoming to new characters and especially new referees. However, the trolling doesn’t fly.

Slow down. Does pinching have any place on a football pitch? If you see a player pinch another player with force, how can you justify a verbal warning or yellow card?
Of course I’m not trolling and I’m not being disrespectful to anyone but it seems like you’re not allowed an alternative opinion without being called out. Think it’s a little offending you’d suggest that. Im not saying it doesn’t happen. Im not saying it wouldn’t hurt. Im not saying in law you couldn’t red card for it. What I am saying in all the years I’ve watched football I’ve not once heard of a red card for nipping and there’s a reason for that, Virtually impossible to see it but for some reason I’m not allowed to say this. And it was reasoned it’s the same as biting. Well clearly it’s not.
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Of course I’m not trolling and I’m not being disrespectful to anyone but it seems like you’re not allowed an alternative opinion without being called out. Think it’s a little offending you’d suggest that. Im not saying it doesn’t happen. Im not saying it wouldn’t hurt. Im not saying in law you couldn’t red card for it. What I am saying in all the years I’ve watched football I’ve not once heard of a red card for nipping and there’s a reason for that, Virtually impossible to see it but for some reason I’m not allowed to say this. And it was reasoned it’s the same as biting. Well clearly it’s not.
I think it's fairly obvious you cannot red card for something you haven't seen. but it is spottable and if spotted should be a RC
A mate of mine was a player on a local Sunday league team - he was probably the best player on the league and scored a lot of goals in the top division. I saw him at work one Monday morning after he’d played against a team with a reputation for dirty tricks, and he showed me his arms. They were black and blue because they were so bruised. The team had taken it in turns to pinch him, trying to get him to react so he’d get sent off. They frequently did this sort of thing to get an advantage.
I had the return fixture, so was watching out for it. I caught the goalkeeper kicking the ball out to his right back with his left foot, and followed the track of the ball, before looking back and catching the keeper kicking the forward with his right foot. Obviously dismissal and penalty.

As you say, it’s hard to spot, but if you’re aware not impossible. If you know this is a possibility then try not to get caught up with play and occasionally look at the problem player out of the corner of your eye. If you look directly at him he won’t do it, but if he doesn’t know you’re on to him he may. If you get a position where the play is between you and him then you can scan both at the same time and may catch him.

If you see him and don’t send off then you’re risking match control, and not even trying to catch him is playing into his hands. If he always gets away with it there’s no downside for him. If he gets seen and sent off it’s a risk and he may stop. Even just obviously looking at him occasionally means he will know he may not get away with it so is less likely to do it.
You can’t be giving a red card for nipping someone. That’s not violent conduct. Why don’t you just say to him before the game or during the game. If I catch you nipping you’ll be off, puts the doubt in his mind then.
You appear to have contradicted yourself here.

- can’t red card for nipping someone
- tell the player if you see it, you’ll be sending him off.

What sending off offence would you send him off for if by your first point you can’t send him off for nipping?
You appear to have contradicted yourself here.

- can’t red card for nipping someone
- tell the player if you see it, you’ll be sending him off.

What sending off offence would you send him off for if by your first point you can’t send him off for nipping?
Yes I understand that but I was meaning a little bit of nipping you wouldn’t Even see. But if you see something serious then yes a card. But you’re telling the lad you know what he does and you’re watching.
Yes I understand that but I was meaning a little bit of nipping you wouldn’t Even see. But if you see something serious then yes a card. But you’re telling the lad you know what he does and you’re watching.
Telling a player you know he nips without any proof is a serious accusation and a dangerous road to go down
I’ve had enough of this subject now. We’ve discussed it more than it’s ever happened in last 50yrs.
I hate to remind you but a forum is exactly a place to discuss things as you have so pointed out in other threads.

Discussing pinching in a thread about pinching is the entire point. If you don’t wish to do that then a forum may be the wrong place for you.

Anyway I respect you not wishing to discuss it any futher.

To OP, as majority have stated. It would have to be red if spotted.
LOL posts in thread where OP says he has seen a lad pinch and get booked for it - and then throws toys out of pram about pinching never having been seen. Entertaining at least:)
Trust me, I’m too old to be throwing toys, it was just getting boring and I had stuff to do. And how many times have you seen it either while refereeing or watching. I know I’ve never seen it in 50yrs. OP also later says he’s not aware of it happening and he didn’t get the caution for it. We can keep going round and round as long as you like but your answer will still be youve never seen it. That’s why no one else on here as said they’ve seen it.
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Trust me, I’m too old to be throwing toys, it was just getting boring and I had stuff to do. And how many times have you seen it either while refereeing or watching. I know I’ve never seen it in 50yrs. OP also later says he’s not aware of it happening and he didn’t get the caution for it. We can keep going round and round as long as you like but your answer will still be youve never seen it. That’s why no one else on here as said they’ve seen it.
Didn't Luis Suarez once pinch Patrice evra 👀