Thread marks?


New Member
Hi, I am new here and new to refereeing in general.

Just wondering if it's possible to find out the referee marks that you've been given for a game and if so where?
A&H International
Some leagues will supply them at the end of the season, as part of a ranking or merit system. Others you will need to request them from the appointing officer, and/or league secretary.
Very rare that you will be given individual marks - and if you are, it's usually a bad sign! Much more common that you'll be told your mark vs the league average and that's it.
Very rare that you will be given individual marks - and if you are, it's usually a bad sign! Much more common that you'll be told your mark vs the league average and that's it.
Oh I see, fair enough, I was just interested to see if you could see them as I heard someone say that you can but from this I'm guessing not without requesting it.