Fouling own team?

What punishment did you dish out? Yellow Card each?

And how did the team's respond to it?
Yes. 2 yellow cards.
It was accepted.

It was a strange game I recall, the team were short on numbers and were generally unhappy with each other throughout.

1 lad threatened to leave at half time, and eventually was given marching orders in the 2nd half so he would have probably been better for him if he had!!

Never had anything like it in another game!
A&H International
Completely agree with staying out of inter team arguments unless it gets out of hand. If it looks like it is going to escalate you could have a quiet word with the captain, assuming he isn't involved, and suggest he keeps a lid on it so that you don't have to get involved.

When playing I was once guilty of having an almighty falling out with my fellow centre back, who was also the captain. It was on a pitch split into three and there was a weird rule where you could only be offside in the final third. Despite this he insisted on pushing up to the halfway line, leaving me chasing a striker who always had a 20 metre head start. In the end I flipped and it got very shouty and a little bit physical so the referee obviously decided he'd best step in. He said that he didn't want to take sides, but that I was right and the captain was being an idiot. That was his last game for us, morale of the story being don't start an argument with the club founder and chairman 😂

I've had to step in a few times when refereeing over the years when it looked like it was going to get physical, thankfully it never got to the Kieron Dyer / Lee Bowyer level though. Usually just saying to them something like don't make me get my cards out calms them down.
I had one on Saturday in pretty terrible pitch conditions. Very slippery with quite a few sliding tackles.

One player went in, totally missed the ball and opponent, but managed to take out his team mate. I played advantage, but otherwise would have given a foul.
So would you have given a DFK to the opposing team? Punish the offending team, whoever they are offending against - their team or the opponents?
If it wasn't for the advantage it would have been for a 'potentially' reckless challenge against the opponent, rather than for the 'actual' wiping out of his team made. He properly went right through him, leaving them both in a heap on the floor.
So would you have given a DFK to the opposing team? Punish the offending team, whoever they are offending against - their team or the opponents?
unless it was a studs up lunge/dive then you could give the FK but usually You wouldn’t give anything but blow for an injury and then give ball to who ever had possession.