Assistant Referee Pathway

Should there be an Assistant Referee Pathway?

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Then maybe to sort all of this out the best option would be some AR training at grassroots level, because I know for a fact that in Hull there is no detailed training events on how to act well as an assistant, which you can tell by the standard of AR's at cup finals etc.
I'd like to think that I'm quite a good AR for my level, but I've been self taught as have almost all grassroots AR's (well not counting the intense training I got on the basic course where they told you which way to point the flag ;) )

Couldn't agree more!!! Luckily standing in te terraces watching league 2 football week in week out I've picked up a few tips and I really enjoy being on the line
A&H International
Yep me too. The training I am implying doesn't have to lead to a pathway system but maybe just 1 night a month or week or whatever just to make the AR's presentable and reliable.
I have a very good friend who does hate middles

Then why did he become a referee?? I understand that some people may prefer one or the other, as I myself prefer to run the line, but I still enjoy refereeing.

I just honestly don't understand why you would become a referee if you hated it??
Then why did he become a referee?? I understand that some people may prefer one or the other, as I myself prefer to run the line, but I still enjoy refereeing.

I just honestly don't understand why you would become a referee if you hated it??

Like I said in the my other post, you don't referee before taking the course,
@HullRef you need to speak to your RDO Steve Lazenby as it's quite possible he runs a Supply League Assistants evening before the season starts. WRCFA run one each season and with many of their teams in the Yorkshire & Humber Supply League pool (which covers the Humber Prem League), it's possible that ERCFA also run one.
@HullRef you need to speak to your RDO Steve Lazenby as it's quite possible he runs a Supply League Assistants evening before the season starts. WRCFA run one each season and with many of their teams in the Yorkshire & Humber Supply League pool (which covers the Humber Prem League), it's possible that ERCFA also run one.

Ok I'll do that, it'd be great to get some coaching :)
Personally, I'd be looking to go down the AR route. Firstly though I need to referee at junior before I go down the set pathway
Leave the system as it is. I enjoy refereeing lots, and also enjoy acting as an assistant - one shouldn't have to choose which direction to go until one is at a higher level. I know people who don't referee, and just act as an assistant on a supply league - if you don't enjoy refereeing as much as being an assistant, just take that route.
Leave the system as it is. I enjoy refereeing lots, and also enjoy acting as an assistant - one shouldn't have to choose which direction to go until one is at a higher level. I know people who don't referee, and just act as an assistant on a supply league - if you don't enjoy refereeing as much as being an assistant, just take that route.

I think their should be an option of a route, you don't have to choose but if your 100% sure you can pick it, if someone just does lines on supply league then they wont be able to progress......